[Preview] Skabinet (make cabinets with Sketchup)
@diego-rodriguez said:
utiler >
if, of course.
I only meant, that can calculate the amount of screws, hinges and Puxadores
the design of these elements, can be somewhat simplified or absent.SURE....
Looks like you have the makings of a very handy tool there newone - I await further developments. Very good work so far!
This looks like it will be a great tool. I noticed that the description only references metric measurements. Is that determined by the plugin or does the plugin use the units set up in SketchUp?
I don't know much about building a ruby script but I do know cabinetry construction if you need input. Customization of panels, pedestals, ladders, cletes, rabbits, dados, frameless (euro) or face front styles would make the script useful. Of course if you are a cabinet maker you are probably already aware of these things.
oh..and adjustable shelves.
Newone this is great,
It is the plugin I would make - if I knew ruby. Cant wait to use it
@jack barnhill said:
This looks like it will be a great tool. I noticed that the description only references metric measurements. Is that determined by the plugin or does the plugin use the units set up in SketchUp?
I'm planning to make it adopt Sketchup's units, but for now I don't really know how.
@linea said:
Newone this is great,
It is the plugin I would make - if I knew ruby. Cant wait to use it
I learned ruby JUST to make this, believe me! You can help with ideas, instead
Excellent Andrei! I really need it! Do it!
@newone said:
to dedmin: Only some of cutlist optimizing software accept automatic input of edging. As you may know, CutMaster 2D http://www.cutmaster2d.com/ doesn't accept this, but it accept manual input of edge banding. What software is that, of window which you are displaying?
to TIG: thanks for your appreciation. I learned a lot from sketchucation and you (and others) helped me in the process.
to utiler: I'm waiting for your list!
This is a CutList Plus software. To export my data from SketchUP to CutList Plus I'm using CutList plugin. CutList Plus supports import of cvs or txt files. It recognizes four types of banding information:
I'm using the second format and attach banding information to the name of the component using ; as a delimiter:
Here is the cvs file created by the CutList plugin to be imported in CutList Plus: Untitled_CutListPlusImport.zip
Looks great! So you are creating individual boards that are components, right? Then they are grouped together in a group.
How easy would the cabinet (group) be to edit or change size? I am working on a ruby that allows one to copy the whole group and automatically makes unique except where internally for the new cabinet/group, the components will not be unique to each other. If that makes sense. This part is done.
The idea is to make say a prototype cabinet or drawer. Copy or clone it. Then edit its dimensions with part II of my tool and bang! you have a new cabinet.
Perhaps FredoFreeScale does that. I have not check yet. -
Hi Jhoutman
I use fredoscale everday for exactly what you are describing. For instance I have a standard drawer design which i cut on a cnc router. It features sides with slots for the base panel of 6mm plywood and notching for a lap joint for front and back. In order to use the drawer in all of my cabinetry i pull it from my components window, select it, click the appropriate fredoscale scale tool(forgive me i have never taken cogniscance of its name), select the appropriate axis for redimensioning (width ,height, or depth),hit TAB key and enter the new overall dimension required.
Fredoscale to my jaw dropping amazement(believe me it gives me the chills every time) resizes the drawer, keeping all the components exactly as they should be. for instance when i change the width the front and back rail extend to the appropriate length with the lap joint staying the correct depth, whilst the sides keep their thickness. when i change the height of the drawer all of the components stretch to their correct widths but the slot for the base stays the standard 15mm from the bottom and the 6.5mm wide that i need it.
It is simply the most astounding and usefull script for cabinetmaking ever!
Hi New One
Looks like you are doing an incredible thing there, I also use Cutlistplus and would welcome the edging detail export. In most of the cabinetry i do my panels are "upgraded" ie. I edge the board with solid timber of varying thicknesses, depending on the application, then veneer the board afterwards. If one had a simple edgebanding tool incorperated, say by being able to specify a edgebanding type that could then be "applied" to the appropriate edge that would be incredibly usefull.
thanks in advance for what looks like a script which will further enhance su's usefullness in furniture design
I think that each part of the object should be adjustable. From the lid, the doors, the drawers, the baseboard. Then everything should be parametric.
Please, guys! This is not SolidWorks!
Looks like you've outlived your user name! Good work.
@newone said:
I can't find such forum [woodworking] on sketchucation. Can you give me a link?
See the board index, far right, at the bottom of every topic.
Uff, "soon" didn't meant after 2-3 weeks.
Sorry for that. I'm still working on it. Unfortunately I have little time to work on it. But it will! Live your life in that time.
Since now I re-made id from scratch for three times. And the hard part is that I'm learning programming in this time, because I don't have any experience.So, sorry again. This thread was intended to collect some ideas that will help to guide this plugin in right direction.
Thanks for this script, but it is not so practical - groups with strange names, BOM is messy and etc. Since introduction of the FredoScale plugin the kitchen design is very easy - just make all the models and modules and then drag and drop or stretch where needed and export with CutList! This way you can put the banding info and all the hardware. And you have all the models ready for the clients to choose from!
Hello Draftsman
The FredoScale plugin is really great. I take my hat off. Congratulations.
First, I must deepen my knowledge of Ruby and English and look at it more closely, but I think it is the same idea behind it.
An other idea was, my plugins open expose in the network and so suspend for the "Internet User evolution".Yet another way to enlightenment:
I am a holder of a small carpentry, but I do it all for fun.
Other People solving Sudoku.... -
Hello it's me again
A silly question: where can I look more closely the plugin (download)?
Can someone send me an address?
Or have I misunderstood something?