Exporting Hi Quality Animations
Hi guys, This is my first post and I was hoping to get some help with exporting animations.
I have a large model with about 10 scenes which I am trying to export as an .avi animation, but even at the highest res ( giving a 27MB file ) there is "bleeding" of some of the lines in the animation ( particulary when it is a black line against a white backgroud).
Are there any tips on how to improve the quality or are there plugins available to do a better job that the standard export. I was hoping to add the animation to a new web site for my design and build business.Thanks
have you tried exporting as a series of images then putting them all together outside of SU? Often more reliable than just exporting a straight .avi file and gives you a lot more control over the final output.
Hi Remus, I did export a series of jpegs under the animation export command but didnt know how to convert these into a "movie". Does this take additonal software?
KevinP -
Rick, will vdub generate in between images?
Do you mean Bil-linear or Bi-cubic Sampling?
I know it does and good job from this point of view but not sure how it would handle 'filling in blanks?
I used it for Chris Fullmer's Camera Recorder Plugin and it gave good results
I use VideoMach 4 to compile my frames into videos and often apply a motion blur of 50% to smooth out differences between frames.
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Rich, don't know what "Bil-linear or Bi-cubic sampling" are, but "in-between"s as I think they are called, is the term for images animators draw that fit between one frame and another.
But you can set a higher "frames per second" rate during export; there's no need to find a software that generates artificial in-betweens.
Anyway, with today's multi-core processors and with SketchUp's lack of multi-core support, the time and extra work required to make a SU-only animation look good is too much compared to the fast, clean output of almost any animation-enabled renderer.
Hi M., Just trying to find out what vdub can do.
I've been told movie maker and virtual dub do a good job of this. I have both and am trying to understand how to use both.
I loaded up images in movie maker and the file was huge. When playing back the movie file it seemed to crawl as if there were too many slides. With virtual dub I havnt a clue how to even load up the files:? -
Hi lapx, I use moviemaker with avi files, and am a little familiar with it, but have heard about vdub and was trying to get info about it. Especially since I understand that it will make movies from individual jpegs. I did not think that movie maker could do this. A avi file edited in movie maker with transitions, titles, and sound is ported to a very compact wav file. I have had no problems with moviemaker.
for virtuladub: Just drag and drop all your images in in the correct order (i think SU outputs them in the right order, so just drag and drop from the output folder.) Then go to video->framerate and set your desired frame rate. Finally go file->save as .avi.
Ive occasionally had problems with it just exporting the first frame, but deleting the whole thing and starting again seems to sort it out.
Remus, Thanks
Virtualdub is a very flexible editing suite which is a little daunting to begin with but through trial and error it (and persistence) it soon becomes relatively easy
Here are Tutorials for learning it's nuances
it helped me a lot to begin. There's also an extensive PDF out there but I can't seem to find it?
I'll keep looking
Thanks Remus,
I launched the virtualdub.exe file and a grey window opens that would accept 1 file from drag n drop.
Is this the window to drag all files to? - topic:timeago-later,4 months
Guy's i've come back to try Vdub again. I selected all the frames in windows exploder to
drag in drop in grey screen in Vdub and only 20 frames were dropped in Vdub.
I can't get it to load more than 20 frames. What might be going wrong? So close to getting it to workI just may have sloved my problem. I highlighted only one file in the folder and it finally loaded the remaining files. How would it know to do that? Previously I selected all the files which did not work, go figure.
Most of these programs are smart enough to recognize a series of files. It checks out the filename and looks for a simple +1 pattern.
I'm interested in knowing how vdub works for you. I use QuickTime Pro and I am surprisingly pleased with it (don't tell anyone though as I am a rabid Mac hater). But I feel like I should v-dub since its free, and I could then use it easier in my tutorials. So I'd be interested in hearing what you think of it, including the learning curve.
Chris your right. It's a smart enough program and does exactly what you said. After you've created your series of jpegs generated from your program of choice (sketchup or kerkythea in my case),you select and drag the first *.jpg file and the others jpg's will follow. This is one of those subtley that should be highlighted when explaining how to use the program. In any case thanks to Remus he did a fine job in explaining how it works which got me going. It's very simple to use on the surface. I havent been under the hood yet and sure it has some more powerful features that I havnt investigated/discovered yet.
p.s. I have saved to avi file and was trying to play on my blackberry curve. Is this avi format possible to play on blackberry?