Effects folder
I've just downloaded shapes zip includes mesh and torus but it said to unzip and put in an effects folder. I can not locate one in sketchup.
is this something I must add under programs?
ciao OMA
Hi Oma,
Can you show us where you downloaded and what?
sorry I should have added this quote (see below). this is where I got the set of shapes. I did manage to find an folder under programs>google and they show up now when I use the sketchup 7 program. But they actually show up twice when I clk draw>shapes. Since I only require them once under draw
maybe you can help me fix that boo boo. I know I've done something incorrectly.
**@tig said:
These are the old 'shape' toolset made some years ago - they still work.
Unzip and put all 3*** of the files into your SUp plugins folder and you get a 'Shapes...' sub-menu under 'Draw'.
*** There are two versions of 'Shapes' for metric and imperial users. Only put in one of these rubies - ShapesMM.rb is metric(mm) and ShapesINS.rb is in inches. If you put in both you'll get two identical sub-menus but both with metric default values since the MM one loads last and overwrites the INS !There's a list of the basic shapes then available:
Sphere [I added the sphere to @Last's original list].The created shape is made inside a group and it is 'parametric' - select it and right-click context-menu to Edit its values later on as needed. You can explode it back to it's base geometry but then it will have these values 'frozen'...
The 'parametric.rb' and 'mesh_additions.rb' rubies are needed to make the whole thing work.**