[Plugin] Selection Toys
A on screen UI (Fredo style), sounds nice.
V2.0 is spanking! Tom this is an amazingly useful tool probably my favourite in terms of how it is implemented. A lot of thought have gone into the user interface. Thanks! I can't believe it is free.
@unknownuser said:
If you resize the toolbar into a vertical size before you dock it then it should take on the same shape.
worked like a charm, thanks again.
Wow TT. Very cool and very kind of you. Big Thanks for all your hard work!
have you considered adding selection sets to your tool!
@xrok1 said:
have you considered adding selection sets to your tool!
Maybe. Could you describe how you'd be using it? This probably can be implemented in various way - be nice to hear what people prefer.
JClements gave me an idea today:
This will actually be a feature of Plugin Manager as it's automatically generated by the UI Manager.
i think a good example of the need for selection sets would be perimeter of a room, opening in a sphere, all end walls in a dormer... anything that is difficult to select because of tight spaces or geometry behind it... there's nothing worse than spending minutes making a selection then loosing it and needing to start over, or doing an operation on a complicated selection then needing to tweak it later.
I could see it going a few ways, but one would be to have it set up like the undo stack. But it doesn't remember every different selection. Only ones you add to it. So you would have a shortcut key to add the current selection into the selection stack. And a shortcut key to work backwards through the selection stack.
Make an important selection
Hit F5 to add the current selection to the stack.
repeat as needed.
Hit F6 to work backwards through the selection stack
Hit F7 to move forwards through the selection stack.That could be quite useful.
I also am thinking of other apps that make named lists, and you have to save and recall the selection through the list of named sets. But that seems difficult in SU to me I think. But maybe it would work. I supposed the list could be in a html dialog box and warn you if your selection set has changed wince it was created. And give the option to update the selection set, etc.
Just some thoughts.
Plus, I think TIG or Rick maybe has a selection memmory plugin already? I wonder how their's works. Maybe I should check it out.
i use rickw's selectionmemory and it's sweet.. i use the free version but he also has a premium version which allows for different sets.
with the version i use, i can make selections and save them, add to them, and recall or clear..
perfect for me but if you'd like the ability to have multiple sets, get the premium.i also vaguely remember trying one a few years ago which had a toolbar/icons.. i'm pretty sure jim wrote it?
[edit] yeah, jim foltz has one available too (free).. this one has the option to deselect from the memory set as well..
http://sketchuptips.blogspot.com/2008/01/plugin-selection-memory.html -
and Thomas,
v2 is looking sweet.. i haven't used the plugin in the past as i was a little overwhelmed by all the choices at first (and i was in the process of learning some other things at the time).. i'm giving it a legit shot now and it's great.
thank you! -
@chris fullmer said:
I also am thinking of other apps that make named lists, and you have to save and recall the selection through the list of named sets. But that seems difficult in SU to me I think. But maybe it would work. I supposed the list could be in a html dialog box and warn you if your selection set has changed wince it was created. And give the option to update the selection set, etc.
I was thinking of adding selection tacks to the On Screen tool. As you modify/filter the selection you take snapshots. Autonamed, but you can set your own custom.
@unknownuser said:
and Thomas,
v2 is looking sweet.. i haven't used the plugin in the past as i was a little overwhelmed by all the choices at first (and i was in the process of learning some other things at the time).. i'm giving it a legit shot now and it's great.
thank you!Yea, it's grown a bit since its first appearance nearly a year ago. I find it difficult myself to make an organized overview in the main post.
Hopefully the little cheat sheet can help.
btw, the two functions I use the most is
Select Only->Edges
andSelect Only->Faces
. I've assigned them to Ctrl+1 and Ctrl+2 and it's probably the functions I use the most when I use SU. -
It's SU that automatically toggle the button down. Mechanism of assigning a Tool to a toolbar button.
I don't really feel I want to add another toolbar button just to deactivate it. Personally I use hotkeys a lot and I always tap the Space bar to activate Select. One hand on the keyboard and one hand on the mouse. Rarely moving up to click toolbar buttons or menus. But I've observed at work that many work by point and click for nearly all their operations.
Maybe an on screen button. Or make it so that if you click empty space it deactivates the tool.
Thomas, shouldn't the Select Edge Loops icon in the Toolbar be a "Toggle button"...or add a "red" version of the icon to turn it off.
Currently, you can turn it on by clicking it but clicking it again wont turn it off. User has to manually select SU's Select Tool.
@thomthom said:
@chris fullmer said:
I also am thinking of other apps that make named lists, and you have to save and recall the selection through the list of named sets. But that seems difficult in SU to me I think. But maybe it would work. I supposed the list could be in a html dialog box and warn you if your selection set has changed wince it was created. And give the option to update the selection set, etc.
I was thinking of adding selection tacks to the On Screen tool. As you modify/filter the selection you take snapshots. Autonamed, but you can set your own custom.
YES!! please do.
one more thing if i may.
you know how if you use the eraser button everything you pass over highlights and if you select another tool before you let the button up... a selection toy like that would be great, i know there is:
but one that can select not just edges would be
Very good script thomthom.
Only i want to say what will be fantastic to add more functions to the loop selection tool,for the edges and faces. (i know it has been commented previously)
thank you very much for your script.
sorry for my bad inglish ;D -
you'll be getting a lot of cookies for this one.
Hi Thom, a late Thanks for this..
is there a chance of having the context menu items available as toolbar choices?
i can help with the icons if you need
The items for Group Copies and Instances?