Past work. Sketchup to Maxwell to Photoshop
Good work
. Anyway those identical palms are a bit disturbing.
Thanks for the comments. Yes, i definitely agree the palms shadows should have been blurred. Also, yes Should have altered each palm more.
Here are a couple more images I just finished. Thanks
For some reason these dont seem at all to be maxwell renderings, not sure why, maybe the saturation levels? Or possibly too much diffraction!
Mate I think you need to play with the curves in PS on most of these, a tip I read in a book the other day suggested a quicktip to improve most images, open the curves editor and introduce points quarter way along the default 45deg line from both top and bottom. Slide one just right of the default line and the other just left. I cant remember which one goes which way but a simple test will prove which.
The result is better contrast and saturation without loss of detail.
Mate still cant work out why these images are losing their realism. BTW the brikwork in the first images is really showing some repeat tiling!
I see your point in that when i see the images posted here they look a little washed out. Im not sure what this happened but the 24x36 prints came out great. I work on a 30inch mac screen and the color seems to translate well from my monitor to my printing company. I actually post process these images to give it a slight soft glow on the highlights. A lot of renders coming out of China do this, and im still learning the tricks. In what i do, i dont care about being a hyper-realist and am drawn more towards a final result that has my personal technique.
Regarging the brick repeating. This definitely needed more attention and i wish i could have fixed that if i had more time. I had to produce 8 renderings of that building and i had 4 days to model and render all of the images. I sure cant wait for the new maxwel release
Thanks for the info using the curves graph. I will give this a shot and see the results.
@valkama said:
I actually post process these images to give it a slight soft glow on the highlights. A lot of renders coming out of China do this, and im still learning the tricks.
Mate I'm really not sure just why many are adopting this technique of glow or blooming! I see it on nearly 95% of images posted to the SCF forums yet nearly ever elsewhere, I have started to wonder if it is just an SCF thing like faux water colours. I guess I could be honest to say I'm a bit over it! (not meant to be rude)!
Every time I open a thread I almost beg for a crisp image but instead I tend to rub my eyes and wonder if I'm losing my sight! Has no one here heard of smart sharpen, or sharpen at all for that point!
Sorry to rant mate, but not understanding really why when you have at disposal the industries best renderer in terms of quality of output one who try so soften things up? Mate if everyone in your provance is doing the same thing there has to be some benefit in not joining the herds!
Hey Richard.
No problem, i dont see it as a rant at all. I think its just a matter of personal preference. I usually give my clients the options to choose more of a straight out of the box maxwell image or one that I enhance though glow and other techniques. Its at least 90% of the time the clients pick the enhanced look.
And personally, i think if everyone just clicked render and maxwell did all the work, more and more renderings would look the same and that looses the artistry of the whole process. I also use Revit and now with its built in rendering engine, I can easily spot a revit rendering as everyone goes about the same process and the rendering settings are almost automatic. While they look ok, I will always bring them into Photoshop to give them my own artistic flair.
More past work.
Mate that second one of the new set! The lighting is superbe!!!!!!! Mate for me that is where the artistry comes in and in that case pulled off very well!!!
Stunning work...
I can only imagine that apart from the render process, you've also gone through a lot post pro with most of these... -
Ohhhhhhh! You are a master Jedi!
Incredible work man! -
Thanks for these renders, excellent work.
overall these are all very nice renderings...some speak more to me than others, but you definately have an artistic touch....good job
Thank you for the nice comments. I am better than I used to be but still have so much to learn.
my reason for postprocessing Maxwell images is that it safes rendertime. Without having to fully let Maxwell clean the images I filter the images as such that they look pleasing. It saves me hours of rendertimes and allows me to work with rendered images at SL10 or even less.
I wonder though if Revit does more or less as well as the combination SU/Maxwell in terms of moddeling speed and renderquality en maybe ease of use.
Compliments on your images btw. They look certainly professsional. I am always amaized to see my clients not at all concerned about the quality of textures or blurryness. All they go for is atmosphere and the vision of a future building at a certain site. They go from blindness to a sudden image of a completed projected. Only long after that first impression they will start looking for qualities of the images themselves.
Architects do not sell an image, its the build results that count. Most clients look at images and imagine buildings the architects has shown them in real before. If Richard Meier would propose all colored buildings in his images I think most clients would still expect the actual build projects to come out white .. -
how can i see the pictures?
Hey, nice one! Where can you download it? I REALLY want it!!! GREAT WORK!!!!