[Plugin] VisMap - Layer/Scene Visibility Map
SketchUp 7, PC (edit: now Mac, too). This one may be at version 1.0. That's my goal. The proof is in your feedback.
Documentation and download at http://www.martinrinehart.com/models/rubies/vismapdoc.html
What's a VisMap?
What are those outside checkboxes?
They turn a row or column all on with a click; all off with another click.
How big can a VisMap be?
I've tested 38 scenes by 30 layers on my 1920x1200 monitor. Bigger than that I'd need to be reducing the font size to fit more. (Scrollbars appear as needed, but are not terribly convenient.) At that size some patience is required while the map is built.
How does VisMap compare to AddHiddenLayer?
AddHiddenLayer is the tool to choose if that is exactly what you want to do: add a hidden layer. VisMap is the right tool if you want to, "Let's see. I'll add a layer and make it mostly hidden, but show it in a few scenes. Maybe make another layer visible in a couple more scenes. Maybe..." It was created by a guy who wanted to fuss with an animation until it was just right.
Quite an impressive resume you have Martin....it's really nice to have you taking up the cause to better Sketchup. Pretty cool plugin you've written, should make life easier, just by seeing what layers are assigned to what scene. Great idea and great Web Dialog!
Wonderfully simple script, but I have a request - put the layers in alphabetical order! Since this is an organizer script, it helps when you've got 30-40 layers if they're in alphabetical order. The scenes, you can rearrange but for some reason I cannot organize my layers internally.
@markozeta said:
Wonderfully simple script, but ... put the layers in alphabetical order!
Let the voting begin.
this looks great. thanks, martin. i am looking forward to the mac version.
@edson said:
i am looking forward to the mac version.
Try the PC version. I avoided PC-specific code. It may already be a Mac version. Let me know.
Add to feature list:
Model integrity checker.
Tried to VisMap a broken model. Got a blank dialog box.
On digging in, found a "nil" in the list of scenes. If a model gets broken such that there is stuff other than layers and scenes in the lists of layers and scenes ...
Time, I guess, to add some bullet proofing.
Hi Martin,
A tour de force.
I tried it on OSX/SU7 and it worked beautifully. Didn't work on SU6 though (got a blank window).
The problem I saw was that it doesn't stay in front if you go to another program and come back to SU.
It just hides itself in the back of SU, for SU window is usually bigger than vizmap window.
Other than that, it worked flawlessly as if it's designed for OSX!EDIT: I even included a couple of layers/scenes with Japanese names and it seems to have no problem displaying them.
On OSX/SU7, vismap window appears to be blank right after it's opened, resizing it or clicking on the window doesn't make the situation any better. I just had to go to another program once and come back to see it is actually working properly.
I thought it was just taking a long time to display what it should be displaying, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
Hi Martin
Very useful overview to decide which layers have to be displayed on which scenes .
I just got a strange message several times on one model ( I may upload it if needed)
Choosing OUi or NON is without effect.The vizmap leaves blank.
I hope it can help .MALAISE
some translations : "Attendu" means waited
" Voulez-vous continuer à executer les scripts sur cette page : Continue to run the scripts of this page ?
" Une erreur est survenue sur le script de cette page " an error occured when running the script ... -
i tried it on OSX/SU 7 but thw vismap window appears blank no matter what i do. i opened several files but the problem remained.
Naming your scenes BM6.2 or MS4.8 (Which is the official name) ... will kill the program.
Also another request for those with complex models is the ability to use freeze panes on the scene list and layer list.
Thanks for the work though, your script will help us put everything into layout correctly.
@takesh h said:
I tried it on OSX/SU7 and it worked beautifully. ... it worked flawlessly as if it's designed for OSX!
@edson said:
i tried it on OSX/SU 7 but thw vismap window appears blank no matter what i do. i opened several files but the problem remained.
Edson, I'm adding some bullet-proofing that will, in some cases, tell you where it's failing. This may be constructive.
@markozeta said:
Naming your scenes BM6.2 or MS4.8 (Which is the official name) ... will kill the program.
Ahhhh! The sort of problem that might be solvable. Thanks.
@markozeta said:
Also another request for those with complex models is the ability to use freeze panes on the scene list and layer list.
Freeze panes? What is a freeze pane?
@malaise said:
I just got a strange message several times on one model ( I may upload it if needed) ... The vizmap leaves blank.
Yes, the model (ideally the subset that causes the problem) would be key to tracking this down.
@takesh h said:
vismap window appears to be blank right after it's opened, resizing it or clicking on the window doesn't make the situation any better
Working on it. Be patient. The U.S. Open is in week two, which really cuts into my free time.
Very, very odd: your screenshot shows buttons on top, icon and title on bottom, other things reversed. As a guess your appendChild() JavaScript method is appending to the front of the list while my PC appendChild() appends to the end of the list. Hmmmm.
please let us know when you post a modified version.
@martinrinehart said:
@markozeta said:
Also another request for those with complex models is the ability to use freeze panes on the scene list and layer list.
Freeze panes? What is a freeze pane?
Since your a Linux man, I'll quote you the OpenOffice version instead of the excel version:
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It would help a ton, but most code that you could drop into your javascript routine would try to freeze the top and side, when you want the two sides to be frozen.
@edson said:
please let us know when you post a modified version.
There is a new version now fixing a Mac issue. The strange "backwards UI" thing should now be gone.
Does this have any effect on Edson's "no UI" issue? I doubt it, but you never know.
@martinrinehart said:
Does this have any effect on Edson's "no UI" issue? I doubt it, but you never know.
i am afraid there has been no change: still no UI.
@markozeta said:
Naming your scenes BM6.2 or MS4.8 (Which is the official name) ... will kill the program.
I changed "ground_floor" and "second_floor" to "ground.floor" and "second.floor" without problem. Can you post a file? Thx.
The issue seems to be size. I could give you the model, but it's too large for these forums to post! However, as I was trying to reduce the size of the model in order to post it, when it got under 3.4 MB or so, the script worked!
The bug seems to be not in getting data, but in sending it back to the model. When I do that, I get a prompt asking me if I want to continue running scripts.
This prompt states "Error at Line 78, Char 4" of the script, and the error given was "The data area passed to a system call is too small."
Could this be an overflow error of some type?
Edit: I have 50 layers and 43 scenes, if that helps. That's a total of 2,150 check points. When deleting to fit to size, I also "purged unused", and then it worked.