South wind #2
Michalis, as you can see I got your model.
I blended the texture adding erosion banding and a marine rock texture, I then used an ocean node to create a foamy choppy sea with 2-5 ft wave displacement, threw in a few low poly SU birds and hazy morning spectral atmosphere. Original render is 1600x600, rendered in 4 mins.
No post work at all, straight Vue render. -
Looks beautiful...!
Could be fun to have the model enabling others to give it a go with their favourite render application... -
Looks great! Vue atmosphere is hard to beat. Loved to have the scene in my hands too...
This is impressive. This orison is fantastic. Realistic. The sea!
Displacement at sea is really convincing too.
I know pete that you are a kind of magician, but I really need this kind of software , VUE. See how orison looks like. Impressive!.
Thanks for all your kind comments here. If someone wants my SU doc should pm to me, so having the email, can post the 9 mb SU doc. Good luck. Have in mind that this doc is rendered in podium in 40 sec (full quality). )
Less is more. (sometimes) -
Michalis, if you don't mind sharing the rock I can reduce it and post here, maintaining the mesh but just reducing the image without loss of detail.
Thanks pete. But what about the UV texture? I tried too and all came to a very smooth mess, nothing like what I was expecting. Rocks seem to be an easy model but it's not like this. I'm trying to model low-polys convincing rock models but haven't found it yet.
Michalis, try this texture, it's reduced from 12MB .bmp to 181kb .jpg I kept the size, so you can replace the original with this and it will stay mapped.
texturing on that first render is great.. you can really see where the rock interacted with the water, however the water seems to ignore the rock in both renders!! gives it the impression of a floating rock
this is for mirjman: thanks for these kind comments. IMO you need to spend some more time near sea. These sea rocks are really floating most of the time. Even whole islands are floating. Even Feidias's statues are floating. Today greek politicians and economists are floating too.
for solo: Pete, there's something I don't understand. I could use jpg too, but SU doc seems to have the same size. What exactly happens there? Even so, we should never use jpg for textures, not really a good choice.
For everybody who doesn't know what a baked model is, please have a look in this UV map. It seems rendered already. -
The rock was screaming for a tropical make-over.
All Vue, no post processing.
Added two species palm ecosystem, texture of rock is as per above reduced map.
Tropical water, slight wave algorithm, buoy is an old SU model of mine. -
@unknownuser said:
The model is called tool (!), there's no save (!)
Hum hum : Menu Tool/Save as
Cool seatime images! -
For Pilou: Do you know how to use zbrush? I paid 600$ for this and I know how to use it. I also have some posts in zbrush forum but you already know this.
Pourquoi tu n'arrêtes pas cette habitude, Pilou? C'est la deuxième fois que tu fais la même chose à mes "posts".For solo: So you don't need my textured model, just a cone. lol. Nothing to do with September in greek islands, anyway a great render, and I particularly like this model (I don't know how to spell this in english) I've admired in your site. I really had this in mind thinking about a sea scene.
Sorry for the misunstanding
And I have edited the previous one
Don't want any polemics -
I'm proud just for one thing here. Rock model under 1000 polys. Unfortunately looks rather soft. But it gonna be the base of a lighthouse, so...
Podium render in 20 sec, full quality noisy preset (one reason to love baked models). Just a little PP for SU fog effect.
Looks professional.
Thanks david. I post this too so have an idea what's happening with a low polys model + a render engine that doesn't support displacement maps or even normal maps. Rendered in zbrush internal renderer in 10 sec, 2 000 000 polys here.
Here is a podium 20 sec render, not so bad this time, plus a simple SU lighthouse model. So I modeled something with SU after all.
awsome. that quick render with what system specs?
Thanks remon. On a mac pro (2 nehalem xeon, 8 cores 16 threads 2.26 GHz, 6GB RAM)
Another two just for fun.
here's my effort. It's not as nice as Michalis' and solos effort. Rendered with vray and a little ps. Suggestions and C%C's are welcome. BTW took me 20 min and 10 s to render with an amd phenom X4 940, 4 gig of ram.