Importing CAD as Component?
Sometimes my ACAD imports are loose geometry, and sometimes they are Components. I don't see any specific option to control this, so why does this happen?
Ok, so it seems when I first start SU, the first import I do comes in as a Component. If I hit File > New, and do the exact same import the file is all loose.
A ACAD block, or xref will import as a component.
I noticed this too.
I've theorised that if you have existing geometry in the model it will group the imported CAD data into a component. If you have an empty model it comes in as loose geometry where only ACAD blocks are components. -
Opps, I should have read the question carefully.
Yup, thats right Thom. They said that they figured if you are importing into an empty model, they would not make it into a component. But if you are importing into a model that already has some geometry in it, then they would need to make it a component so it did not mess with existing geometry.
Good to know. In the past, when I imported dxf files into a empty file, Sang or his equivalent has always been present, and my files have always maintained their block/component structure, so it's something I have never noticed.
Anything else besides import origin, and units that I should be aware of?
Units and origin are the most important things. If screwed, these are the hardest to fix (although mostly can be)
@chris fullmer said:
They said that they figured if you are importing into an empty model, they would not make it into a component. But if you are importing into a model that already has some geometry in it, then they would need to make it a component so it did not mess with existing geometry.
But this is the exact opposite of what I experience. So I checked Outliner - and it turns out when I first open SU I have an odd, empty Group in my model. When I draw something, the Group disappears from Outliner. Ans when I hit File > New, it goes away also.
I deleted all my Templates sometime ago, so there are no template files available. So when SU starts with no template available, it generates a Group for some reason.
Sketchup Gremlins
I used to wonder why SU opened with Sang, and decided that it must have to do with initializing default conditions, and values. I once tried to customized opening SU with command files, special templates, and unique desktop icons, and had problems with drag and drop because of Sang, so now I use my system in the manner that SU intends.