[Plugin] Sculpt Tools (help)
they look good
New feature being added: lag-line.
I copied some code from merge points to selected to make the feature. If turned on, it will make the tool affect points between the last mouse position and the new one. This could help when working with really high-poly models, or for other reasons too I guess
Works great, Thank you VERY much.
It would be nice to see some examples of what the SCF people can do with the plugin....Solo?
Perhaps we could open a gallery thread where we can show off our 'sculptures'? -
That sounds like a nice idea, Kwisten. I can't wait until I can scult some statues!
Kwist, I'm still waiting for the official finished release before I play with it, I'm looking forward to it I must say.
This is great! Can't wait!
About that script to lock edges to a plane to simulate symetrical modeling, i'm thinking this could be done in other way (please keep in mind i don't no codding so it's just an idea). The one question we have to now if it's possible is: can sketchup mimic our actions in the program itself using ruby? what i mean is if i draw a face, sketchup draws a face at the same time for example? if this would be possible the symetrical modeling could be done without dividing in two components the mesh but by making sketchup mimic our actions in modeling mirrored based on one of the axes (the base mesh would have to be placed at the origin for that to work but would probably be more easy to code instead of based on face and for this kind of modeling it's better to do in a new file to keep things light and just then copy the mesh to the final model we want).
These way we don't had to explode the 2 components like we do right now,joined them and correct any messed up face.But again remember i really don't know coding so feel free to correct me or completly ignore this post if i'm saying just stupid things, or stuff you already have though of.
By the way this script rocks!!:D
DacaD: I don't think that's possible. I could be wrong though.
… Anyways, I'm (probably) adding 2 new tools: 'grab & drag', and Inflate (with issues…).
1: You grab and drag geometry. Works like a smooth move tool if strength is at 100.
( note: this object was previously subdivided.)
2: Inflate is now working, but it has some issues. It pushes geometry, like the push tool, but from inside the mesh. It finds the center point of the transformation with a raytest from the face it's used on, to the object on the other side of the reversed normal. The issue is that, if used on the end of a long object, this point would be in the center of it, not the end. Also, if the tool can't find an object in the way of the raytest, it won't work, so it would only work all the time on solid objects. Lastly, if not used on geometry at all, it works like the push tool (although I could change that easily).
It still works though.
Ideas for your icons.
Smoothing icon: A ball with a shiney surface or a "reflection-sparkle".
Push icon: Add a bit more shading to the concave surface of the ball.
A sculpting tool plugin is an awesome idea...but it says " you're not authorized to download this plugin"
How does one get authorized to download this plugin?
@raveled said:
A sculpting tool plugin is an awesome idea...but it says " you're not authorized to download this plugin"
How does one get authorized to download this plugin?
What says that? The download should work fine…
Could it be possible to have the user draw a 2D shape and convert it to a sculpting brush? Using some kind of vector brush is probably too much for sketchup to handle, but a simpler shape brush seems like it could be possible when you consider how the sandbox stamp tool works. Might give the user a lot more control over their brush size and shape. Just an idea.
@earthmover said:
Could it be possible to have the user draw a 2D shape and convert it to a sculpting brush? Using some kind of vector brush is probably too much for sketchup to handle, but a simpler shape brush seems like it could be possible when you consider how the sandbox stamp tool works. Might give the user a lot more control over their brush size and shape. Just an idea.
Unfortunately, that would be extremely difficult; well, at least from what I know. A 3d brush would actually be easier than a 2d one
. Even then though, I don't know if I could do it.
2 new 'brush styles' will be included in V.1; pinch and bump.
(… Now I have to stop putting off making a 'lock vertices to plane' / 'lock vertices' tool. I'll get on it; I've just been slacking quite a bit lately. I'm still pretty sure it could only work with the sculpt tools though, and not with any other tools.) -
Bump-curve feature looks GREAT!
Oh, looks good BTM. Can't wait for version 1.0! It would nice to have something like the Smoove tools circle to indicate brush size and perhaps have verticies turn to yellow squares, larger to smaller, to indicate brush pressure.
@earthmover said:
Oh, looks good BTM. Can't wait for version 1.0!
It would nice to have something like the Smoove tools circle to indicate brush size.
In v.1 I've already got it working, though it uses a method by TIG, that he posted in this thread earlier. I wrote credit for him in the scripts, and I'll ask him for permission before the release.
@earthmover said:
…and perhaps have verticies turn to yellow squares, larger to smaller, to indicate brush pressure.
That would probably slow it down considerably. I don't think I'd do that.
Okay, I've got a planar lock working. It's still a bit iffy though.
v1.0 of Sculpt Tools should be released by friday.
Hi, -BTM:
Man, you've really got that model sliced and diced, judging by the barely visible facets. About what radius is depicted by the brush over the deep crease in png2?I am really impressed by your determination. And the way this process is playing out I would say writing ruby scripts is not for the squeamish, at least not for scripts of this magnitude.
You, sir, have my deep respect!