[Code] file_found?(path) and to_ascii+to_unicode.rb
She's all yours...
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I think it can stick with the friendly names you suggested.
I'm doing more research. Just signed up for a Ruby forum to work out how Ruby behaves. Once I've gathered the info I need I'll make a thread describing the findings. -
FYI, for anyone that (most unlikely) might be following on my ramblings - I've initiated a new thread over at a Ruby forum for further investigations: http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/191016#833043
I'm fairly confident that it's ISO 8859-1 which
generates. As long as the characters fits into ISO 8859-1 the UTF-8 can be converted with the pack/unpack methods. If they fall outside, other solutions are needed.One annoying finding with this is that the Euro symbol seem to be impossible to use. When ruby comes across this in a UTF-8 string it chokes and throws an error.
I'll begin writing up this to something more readable than today's ramblings.
Euro can be used - just not typed into the Console. You might get it passed via SU's ruby method if it's used in a material name or component name. though .unpack('U') will return 8364 for it. Way outside the code point for ISO 8859-1. However, if you type in the octal value "\200" you get the Euro in a 1byte length string. So it should be mappable. But pack and unpack doesn't map the Unicode points between 128-160 well. So I'll be looking for a better conversion.I've heard of Iconv, but that's an Win API call I think - not a solution for Mac.
I am glad you have taken such a complicated thing over ....
@tig said:
I am glad you have taken such a complicated thing over ....
I'm not...
This makes my head hurt.
But I need to know.But at least it beats sudoko puzzles...
I am looking into this issue right now. I haven't found anything more then TIG and Thomas has figured out. I have even started to code a C extension to return proper string converted from Ruby UTF-8, but my poor C knowledge doesn't let me progress fast.
As far as I understand Win uses UTF-16 format, but the whole encoding thing hurts my head badly.
Have someone made any progress on this issue? -
What are you trying to do? String conversion? Or deal with files with unicode characters?
@thomthom said:
What are you trying to do? String conversion? Or deal with files with unicode characters?
I am trying to create a file with a path/filename containing for example Polish characters 'BΕΔ d.xml'. They are not part of ISO 8859-1 so the
doesn't generate proper path and file will be created under different name 'BΔΉβΓβ¦d.xml' -
Right, what you want to do is make your C extension call the Unicode version of the file API's - as converting from Unicode to ASCII in order to try and make Ruby's file functions work will in most cases not work.
Note that the ASCII limitation for SketchUp's Ruby file functions exist only under Windows. Under OSX they should work AFAIK.
Do not ignore Dan Berger's windows-pr package. It goes along with his win32-api package. Has the Windows "unicode.rb"
In windows-apt-0.4.0 there's a complementary file "wide_string.rb"