Creating HDRIs with Terragen and VRAY
@thomthom said:
from the ground02
from above, but close03
from above, very far away (cant even see the ball anymore. Notice the artifacts pattern REMAIN THE SAME, its constant, no matter the distance!!!! -
Odd. Try blurring the GI HDR you use? Don't have to do anything to the Background HDR though.
@thomthom said:
Odd. Try blurring the GI HDR you use? Don't have to do anything to the Background HDR though.
blurred it to 50. Nothing changed.
I was mistaken. Setting the bitmap multiplier at 50 brightened up the image, but the artifacts persisted.
Might be that Terragen has generated some extra bright pixels...
You could try the HDR in another app to see if its an issue with vray or with the HDR itself
@thomthom said:
Might be that Terragen has generated some extra bright pixels...
I wonder why they dont show up in the image when viewing it at HDRShop or Photoshop. It only happens in VRAY. I followed some tutorials on the net to make the HDRs... neither mentioned it, but neither mentioned VRAY either
@remus said:
You could try the HDR in another app to see if its an issue with vray or with the HDR itself
do you have any suggestion of app for me to try it?
@aceshigh said:
@thomthom said:
Might be that Terragen has generated some extra bright pixels...
I wonder why they dont show up in the image when viewing it at HDRShop or Photoshop. It only happens in VRAY. I followed some tutorials on the net to make the HDRs... neither mentioned it, but neither mentioned VRAY either
Would be that it's just a single pixel. And Photoshop should only display certain colour range, but V-Ray uses the whole range to calculate the light.
Kerkythea is the first one that springs to mind. Indigo might be able to do it, but youd have to convert to .exr first, which might do weird things.
Also try in LightUp...
@sepo said:
Also try in LightUp...
tried in Lightup... no artifact appeared, but I suppose Lightup dont really uses HDRI images... I mean... it works the same for .HDR or .JPG images!