My Rubik's Cube model
@ecuadorian said:
How about a video of the cube being thrown to the floor and its pieces flying in all directions?
You could add the tagline:
"Now you can actually solve it without violence."I wanted to do that. But I as you know, I am a newbie SU user and can't do anything than make models. I don't even know how to move models in an animation.
Maybe I will try and do that later, after I get the hang of Podium.Edited: I think I am a student
... In Slovenia (from where I come from) is a different education system. I am almost 16 years old and I started my education at 6. I will be a student in Slovenia in 3 years. Tell me if I am a student plz...
@sepo said:
Kus posalji mi poruku na Podium forum. Prvo se registriraj. Vjerovatno cemo moci nesto napraviti.
Sorry about foreign language . Just simple message to contact me on the Podium forum.
Did that
Kus, when i was messing around with your last render i found turning of the SU sun gave the render a much softer look. Might want to have a play with line overlays as well, theyre good fun and pretty easy to do
Here... my first and second render in podium... Just set reflection to 10 and pressed render
I would like that you tell me what can be done better and how to do it... It would be such a big help step...
line overlays... can you explain a little bit more??
Sun is way too strong, make it around 32(dark slider) or less, make the floor colour darker.
You can have GI only render if you switch of sun. You get nice soft render.
To add lines you need to save your Black and white SU image 2 times bigger at least. In your case maybe even more as you are using eval version of Podium. Reduce line drawing to same size in Photoshop and use blending (say 20% opacity of line drawing layer) in Photoshop or similar. -
OK... here I got rid of the sun and darkened the floor. But I don't have PS, so I left it at that
There are a lot of free image editors...Irfan view is one of them.
well... keep in mind that I am on a Mac... and I think, that IrfanView is PC only
Can GIMP be used in lieu of Photoshop for the treatments you suggest? Gimp is open source.
Well I do have GIMP, but I can't do anything worth mentioning... so if any1 knows how... plz tell
EDITED: What else should I do to make the model look better and start with the animation??
Can someone give me some advice. I am kind-of board and want to do something in SU
Maybe witch plugin do I need do I need to make the animation suggested by Ecuadorian
Hi, it's a plug-in called Sketchy Physics. There's a whole sub-forum about it here in SketchUcation: -
TY... I googled for a Mac version, but could not find it... is there such a thing??
@kus said:
well... keep in mind that I am on a Mac... and I think, that IrfanView is PC only
try seashore:
it's based on gimp but doesn't require X11... it's simpler than gimp too but it will do the overlays that these guys are talking about.
[EDIT] and here's the link to download the latest version of sketchyphysics for mac..
hey... when I try and play the SletchyPhysics the cube automatically deforms. Can anyone tell me why??
Do you have intersecting objects? I think you'd have better luck making Sketchy Physics ignore the little plastic pieces that keep the cubelets together. This way the cube should stay together until it hits the ground or another static object.
ye... that is it... 1 more thing... I made the center piece 1 component. But when it hits the floor it goes half trough. What about that?
Mmmm... try making each of the 5 parts of the center piece a separate group, not a component, and then grouping them all together.
The simulation should work like this: