How to embed a video in a post? Help needed
could anyone help me to learn how to embed a video in a post? it is probably a silly question but i really do not know how to do it.
i am looking forward to being able to embed videos from two sources:
- from my own site;
- from a hosting service like youtube or vimeo.
my doubts concern the steps to be taken here at SCF.
thanks in advance.
Actually Simon's whole topic is a great source of this.
Now as for creating the swf file (with the player etc.) there are a couple of (often free) littƩle programs I cannot recall now but once at home, I can see what I have. Many can have different formats as the input file and an swf (or even an flv) file as an output you can easily post here or on your own website (as you have one).
True however that hosting them on your own may not be the wisest thing - especially if you can expect many downloads because of bandwidth problems.
Well, I read a neat trick for embedding Youtube videos in the SCF in this post: you want to host a video in your own site, you need to first process it with the "Flash Video Encoder", included with the Adobe Flash program. Then in Dreamweaver you insert the video, and Dreamweaver will generate a .swf player. You need to upload both to have video on your site hosted by yourself. However, I gave up on hosting videos myself, as I found out that hosting them in Youtube is dead easy and gives you a far bigger potential audience.
thanks so much, guys. simon's topic covers the subject thoroughly.
i do have an app to generate the videos with. it is Jing, a very nice little app for screen captures of all kinds (mac and windows). it has a free version that outputs swf files and a pro one ($15) that generates mp4 files.
Almost forgot about Camstudio! It's free and it can also produce Flash files.
i'm wondering if it's possible for the admins to add this to scf ...
say i'd like to embed this video
i would just have to type this in my message:
some info:
You might add this post to the board features and suggestions forum. Coen always checks that. He might miss it wrapped up in this thread. Its a good idea I think,
Hi jeff,
If it was for the "ultimately lazy" and all you should do is to copy/paste the YouTube embed link here and wrap it into the [youtube] tags (like this below), I'd say it would be worth the hassle.
[youtube] <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> [/youtube]
But you also need to find pieces in it and cut them out and include inside the tags and we can already do that with the [flash] tags here so to take the above example, it would look like this as a code:
and like this "live":
where you can even set the size of the vido as you wish something like this:
Also, with the [lash] tags we don't confine ourselves to one video sharing company but anything can be embedded. From this post on, Simon ("le bon") suggests a couple of little tricks about embedding flash content.
We should be able to come up with a bookmarlet to create the cut&paste text right from a YouTube page.
Similar to this one:
Any volunteers?