[Plugin] FollowMe and keep (v0.04 update 20090210)
Thanks for posting rb. file Pilou. I tried it and works great. Thanks also to Wikii.
Have you seen inside Menu Tools?
Edit: No Sorry! it's because I had put it in this Menu Tools, normally it's inside Menu Plugins!PS You must "unzip" the file Rar!!! If you have not such unrar prog I had linked the file unzipped
Hope this helpBy Wikii
I must be doing something wrong. It doesnt seem to go for me. I am trying to test a shape around a helix form. I select all, select FAK and . . .nothing. In fact I get a Splat.
Any ideas?
It is not working for me either. I downloaded the later FAK.rb posted and the bit count was the same, just the date had changed. I even grouped the path-no dice.
Ended up using native followme and cleaned up.
mitcorb -
No special problem with helix except a big time to calculate
@unknownuser said:
I must be doing something wrong. It doesnt seem to go for me. I am trying to test a shape around a helix form. I select all, select FAK and . . .nothing. In fact I get a Splat.
Any ideas?
do you have the construction point in place? it's treated as the align point (see original post of this thread)..
if you don't have a construction point laying around, get it here:
constpoint.skpif you do have the point in place already then i have no clue what the problem is..
The last FollowMe and Keep requires no construction point. It adds one automagically.
@ecuadorian said:
The last FollowMe and Keep requires no construction point. It adds one automagically.
uh.... ooops
[edit] even worse, i have the latest version and i've still been putting the point in there manually
Worse yet, and a big Duh!
I spent $4 in Smustard.com just to buy the "put construction point" tool, only to discover later that Didier Bur's projections toolbar has a much better version, it's free... and after all, I no longer need a construction point to use FollowMe and Keep!
you have inside 1001bits an another followme and keep
Very long calculation too ! Maybe the helix is some hard to follow?
@wikii said:
FollowMe and keep the dirction of profiles.
Tip:construction point in selection will be treated as the align_point!
v0.04 20090210
1 if path started at a vertex of profile,the vertex will be treated as align point.
2 auto reverse face to get directviewing result.v0.03 20090209
1 start at nearest vertex when path is closed
2 fix some bugsv0.02 20090208
1 perfect ending;
2 autosmooth. -
So using Perpendicular face tool by Chris Fullmer will be some useful
I think I got it to work without adding any point. It took a sec to calculate, butTa-DaH! Good little plugin. Thanks
Uesful tool for me.
I'm afraid this is a stupid question but how do I get your plugin file downloaded? It's an .rar file and I'm not sure how to get it into a usable (.rb) format for Sketchup to use.
.rar is like a .zip file, except that most normal users never have to deal with it. So its a bit painful for most of us to have to "unrar" a file, since having a rar utility is not common... <dislikes rar for day to day uses like this, just zip it!>
So the answer is to install winrar or even the new version of winzip might handle rar formats. Once you install a rar software, you just open the .rar file and it will have .rb files and maybe folders inside of it. Then copy those to your plugins folder.
Good luck. Wiikii, if your out there, mind hosting a non-rar version on the front page? Or do you care if a moderator addds it for you?
@chris fullmer said:
Good luck. Wiikii, if your out there, mind hosting a non-rar version on the front page? Or do you care if a moderator addds it for you?
Go ahead, Chris.
And welcome, Amanda.
Hi, using 7Zip freeware you can unzip without any problems both .rar/.zip files and other compressed formats too.
i've had no trouble with rar files with just good ol' winzip!
Great Ruby!!! My only problem is I cant get my crown to be smooth! The Crown molding is Welded, and is smooth when i use the FollowMFolow me and keep test.skpe tool. Just not when I use this Ruby. (Im kinda new at this, Thank you)