My Images of the day
Thanks Dave.
Here's today's meager effort.
2009-03-05 - Picasa link - 7 images
Just starting this one, the boss appeared at about 2pm and said 'build this' whilst handing me a piece of paper with about 6 lines on it. Its only an initial concept to show the client as to what could be possible on the site.
2009-03-04 - Picasa Link - 61 images
Slow day today so did some mucking about with styles, here are 9 views done in 6 different styles.
I was especially impressed with the last style so did some closeups.I also tried a quick anim test with the last style, not bad, I was expecting the sketchy lines to jump around a bit but it looks fine: -
2009-02-18 - Picasa Link - 7 images
A lot of work but not much to show today, I'm in the process of building and locating all the radiators, sockets, light switches, furniture etc. This is not what we'd normally do but its necessary on this particular job.2009-02-19 - Picasa Link - 34 images
Lots done today but not much to show for it so here's an project I did a while ago. -
Looks good Paul.
Six lines ought to be fairly straightforward. Now if he added a circle or a triangle...
Actually, I think I know what you mean.
What I got was a rectangle (4 lines) 2 'stickyout' bits (another 4 lines) and whilst he was putting his coat on to go to a meeting I got "Make it 19mx36m, chop the corners off, make the roof 22.5 degrees, a 1.8m center isle and 1.2m side isles" and then as he was passing through the door "stuff some column/frames in, I'll look at it in the morning" SLAM!
Alll in all a rather typical day....
Fantastic modeling, Paul.
Hi Paul,
fantastic modeling. Great detailing.
I enjoyed playing around with that model you posted 2 years ago of the church.
That was the ultimate model to test render software on.Keep up that good stuff.
I'm so impressed! keep it up.
2009-03-09 - Picasa Link - 8 Images
Version 2 of the church I posted on Friday.
Changed everything, shown to client, loved it, changed everything.What is it with me and churches? Here I am an Englishman whose opinions on ANY religion is totally unprintable, living in Northern Ireland, working on church after church after church.
I think someone is sending me a message and I think whoever that someone is has a very sick sense of humor.
The church inside and out looks just awesome. So much detail. The ornaments on the pillars, chandeliers, railings. This is just unreal.
Old churches represented the epitome of architectural design and engineering in their day that was also accessible and usable by the average person.
A worthy subject.
Absolutely incredible Paul. I love your work as always,
Here's an update on the church.
Work on site started recently with the builders doing a bit of remodelling with a couple of mini excavators, here's a shot taken before they got going:.
and here's one taken on Friday.....A bit of a difference don't you think?, here's a couple more from Friday:
Whilst the builders were busy gutting the place they made a bit of a discovery. We always knew that under the raised area of the altar there was a tiled floor, we assumed that it was in poor condition, it having being covered up, but were we in for a surprise.
And after the raised area was removed this is what we found!![img:1u10b4vx][/img:1u10b4vx]
Not bad eh? A bit of a wipe with a wet rag and hey presto...
After a bit of work in PS 'de'distorting the photos I knocked these out as textures:
And here's the results in SU:
[img:1u10b4vx] - Scene 36.jpg[/img:1u10b4vx]
[img:1u10b4vx] - Scene 37.jpg[/img:1u10b4vx]
[img:1u10b4vx] - Scene 38.jpg[/img:1u10b4vx]
[img:1u10b4vx] - Scene 39.jpg[/img:1u10b4vx]
[img:1u10b4vx] - Scene 40.jpg[/img:1u10b4vx]We're about to start working up some concepts that retain the floor whilst still raising the altar/lectern/priest's up about 450mm. I personally think we should suspend the lot on trapeze wires from the ceiling but I think the Monsignor may baulk at the idea of flying over his parishioners!
Here's a link to the Picasa album containing the above images along with a few more for good measure. -
You're a genius, Paul.
And I guess you must be kind of a hero to your client for being able to show these proposals in full-detail via SketchUp. -
Holy shit!! (pun intended)
That looks awesome, those tiles..
, fantastic stuff, I'm gonna be watching out as this progresses.
What a find! I think we all dream of discoveries like that. Fascinating work Paul.
Astonished thread!
Here's the first bash at a revised altar area. Apart from some cursory glances no one here's really seen it yet so your the first! I doubt this concept will survive much scrutiny so expect a second version soon.
This is a massively cut-down version of the model with only the bare essentials to enable us to come up with a new altar area.
The floor between the altar and pews is still the old design hence the large gaps, The altar area is no more than a massing model, hence the sharp edged steps.
I'd forgotten that I'd been having a go with Twilight Render using the church as a tester before the revised design reared its head.
Here's some images I knocked out using Twilight, since I'd abandoned rendering when I abandoned 3D Studio Max in 2004 I had to relearn some things but I've go to say TW is good and fantastically easy to use. My only problem in getting better out of my models is me at the moment.
I was trying to get a highly reflective marble with this one and accidentally ended up with a polished steel floor, not what I intended but that's why their called test renders.
Marvellous work.