Model Review and suggestions.
Hello, I'm hoping to get some suggestions on how some seasoned sketchupers would model this (see attached model). I'm hoping to find a better way to do these compound curved surfaces than using the Skin/Bubbles plugin since I'm going to be making a lot more of those surfaces. If any one has the time to look at the model and do a quick crit, I would greatly appreciate it!
A couple problems I was having:
-Lines that I thought were supposed to be intersecting did not result in an intersecting point, specifically the vertical (blue axis) and horizontal (red axis) lines.
-When offsetting one of the arcs by 2', and then offsetting a line attached to the arc by 2', they would not intersect. However, if I offset them at the same time, they would intersect.Thanks,
is their any reason you cant use the follow me tool? seems like it would do the job nicely, would produce much cleaner geometry as well.
I was just about to reply stating that my problem with the follow me tool is that I couldn't get the curves to close to the adjoining face:
I see in your model you were able to do this. Which curve did you follow to get it to close like that?
-rkitect -
i did it with a 1/4 circle (of which some of it is still visible.. it's the line inside the cabinet.)
in certain instances, it works better if you run your follow me path longer then needed before using the tool.. use a surface to cut it via 'intersect with model'
i'm not the best with words and i can do a drawing that will explain it but i have to go eat dinner now.. if no one has cleared it up by the time i get back, i'll sketch something up for you..
I understand what you're saying. Trying to figure out a way to extend the curve I am using, but it looks like I'm going to have to redraw it. I'll let you know how it works.
Thanks again,
-rkitect -
maybe a weird way to go about it but this style is based around tig's invert_selection move at the end..
sort of just freestyled the dimensions but the proportions are similar..
movie link:
I tell you what, I'm getting the concept but I always end up with missing faces after I get the initial mass going, and usually retracing the boundaries of the faces don't result in a new face. Any suggestions on something specific to look for?
Attached is an updated model. I tried attaching a pic, but couldn't figure out how to make it resize like in the previous poster
Thanks again,
@rkitect said:
but I always end up with missing faces after I get the initial mass going, and usually retracing the boundaries
when you zoom into your drawing, it starts getting pretty messy...
that's the problem with the follow me tool and/or the way sketchup draws radii... you'll notice in the movie i did that i extend my follow me path on both sides so i can cut/add a fresh edge to both sides..
you have to keep things clean and simple or the hours of head scratching start to add up.. -
That's what I'm finding, but with a deadline quickly approaching, I'm going to have to get over my 3dmodel OCD and just get-er-dun. I have noticed that the model gets progressively sloppier as I keep trying to modify the faces after the follow me. Just going to take some practice.
Thanks for your help!
Wanted to get some suggestions for the second part of my model. I was wondering how other users would form this shape in SU:
Thoughts and suggestions gladly welcome!
Thanks again
Any suggestions on how to create a void in a surface that was created with Sandbox?