[SOLVED!] automated material creation for huge batches?
OK so I have these 2705 bmp textures I want to have as sketchup materials in a custom collection.
The idea of manually adding them one by one doesn't seduce me, as you may guess.
Anyone know how to solve this? some tool out there? anything? -
It's not the most elegant way, but I'd use this program, AutoIt (Windows only):
It is allows you to script repetitive actions that you'd perform through the GUI. I like it for two reasons:- It is straight forward and easy to learn.
- It works on top of any program.
there is a plugin called massmaterialimporter.rb that may help.
There is an old program made by one SU user that worked very well.
Now I tried it with SU7 and creates the .skm but dosenĀ“t apply the texture in SU... is strange.The ruby console says:
Error; #<NoMethodError; undefined method `attribute_dictionaries' for nil;NilClass> C;/Archivos de programa/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/SkIndigo_1_1_15.rb;2044;in `initialize' C;/Archivos de programa/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/SkIndigo_1_1_15.rb;3611;in `new' C;/Archivos de programa/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/SkIndigo_1_1_15.rb;3611;in `onMaterialSetCurrent' C;/Archivos de programa/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/SkIndigo_1_1_15.rb;2044
Perhaps is not the place to put this... but i attach an example of the .skm that dosen
t work. I can
t attach the program because of SCF rules and i cannot find a link to the original creators program.
It`s an executable Jar file, so if anyone knows how to program and correct this program send me a PM.
It will be very usefull for all.Daniel S
Thanks to all. problem solved
That plugin worked like a charm. I have all textures imported now. Saved me hours of tedium.