Sketchup selection tool problem
@wanderer.insearch said:
n bytheway Hazza for you should I say..
I didn't ask help for english grammer n(oopz)"and" spells... I'll learn it later.Don't mind me, but others reply was much useful.. how does it matter if you can understand.. Iam sorry if you are outdated.. sorry anyway.
What you fail to realise from your self centered view is that I AM trying to help you.
The people on this forum are not paid, they spend their time on here willingly helping out those that ask. See it from their point of view, one person asks a question in a clear, concise easy to understand polite manner. Another 13-16 yo selfish "the world OWES me and should get with the times" comes on and their question needs putting through a CIA decrypting super computer to be understood.
Which do you think they are more likely to answer? Which one are you more likely going to answer?
I'll answer anybody who is in need and if i know anything about that,Seriously!
and pardon me, for god sake,do excuse me. From next time i'll try to write it as explainable and simple as possible. you don't be so polite it makes me nervous.
@unknownuser said:
World is of evrybdy
i didn't mean with my language anything like that.I shouldnot be bossy in any sense and i'm not.It's simply u took me wrong. God! it feels so restrictive to write in these parameters.Now does that makes u feel comfortable. May i know about you Hazza! -
For God's sake guys, chill out a bit.
Wandererer, indeed you could be bit more cautious about how you post (not everyone is a native spaeker of English here and especially not necessarily used to the online chat jargon)
And Hazza, please, don't be so hard to a new member; hopefully he will consider these thoughts if they are presented in a more polite and kind way.
And first of all, let's concentrate on the topic here, guys.
(I should get a better job
@wanderer.insearch said:
God! it feels so restrictive to write in these parameters.Now does that makes u feel comfortable. May i know about you Hazza!
I am a 38yo male, married with 2 kids and I work as an electronics technician with a defence contractor. I love learning and sharing knowledge. I have taught myself many programs including Linux, GIMP and SketchUp. I have created and shared many GIMP scripts, I pay for the hosting of I give lifts to hitch hikers, I volunteer at the kids school whenever I am at home.
I may have come across a little too strong about the spelling and grammar, I appologise. The reason I did so was that I have a strong belief in the power of language and communications. The speed of progress of humanity is DIRECTLY linked to our ability to share knowledge. The most effective way to share that knowledge is the written word. To see the blase attitude and butchery of the language by the SMS culture today is frustrating..... and turn that dam music down!!!
Thanks Hazza.
aaaa hahaha... right now i'am listening silently to you Hazza. caught you!
I wil try to understand what you said. I apologise. Issues resolved.
yeah! peace. -
(Okay, now that all that's out of the way...)
wanderer, how's the graphics issue? Were you able to find a driver for your graphics card that will allow you to use hardware-acceleration? That's the best fix, as disabling hardware can be a real slowdown.
Is your graphics hardware a "3D-class" video card, as advised/required by SketchUp?
What are the hardware and software requirements for SketchUp?Perhaps someone else here has the same hardware, and can provide some advice on a good driver.
DELL Precision M90 / 2 GB RAM
nVidia Quadro FX 1500M / 256 MB
nVidia driver: Forceware 162.65 -
see i'm able to work on heavy files lyk 45 MB as wel... it works fine for me though i have disabled hardware acceleration...
i think as what i see is that my video card is openGL compliant so basically in all i don't see any problem. i'l give you the configuration of my system..Compaq v3137TU notebook T2060(i have upgraded windows and ram)
Operating System: Windows Vista(ULTIMATE),Service Pack 1
Physical Memory: 2.5GB
Graphics Memory: 256 MB (no added video graphic car or acclerator)
Accelerator in Use: Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family
Video BIOS: 1264 -
Oooh -- The infamous Intel built-in GPU & graphics chipset!
Unfortunately, the drivers for Intel graphics are notorious for not supporting OpenGL very well (...although, I've heard that they've recently expressed interest in improving their drivers.)
As long as your CPU is very fast, SketchUp can operate fairly quickly, even without GPU hardware support. As long as you're satisfied with the performance, that's what counts.
I'm glad we could help. (And keep an eye out for those potentially-improved drivers.)
thanx TaffGoch
People, little help please! I recently was a Windows 7 user I upgraded to Windows 8.1
now having a problem with sketchup 2013. The Selection box displays but not the way any user would wanted. selection box traces, after it traces the box, it re-appears as whole box. the problem made selecting whole object difficult.
hope u understand my problem. any help please?
It could be a Graphics Card problem.
What is your Graphics Card ?
Have you downloaded the latest Drivers for your Graphics Card ?
If not, then try to get and install updates - new OS's often require new drivers...Also try SketchUp menu Windows > Preferences > OpenGl and try permutations of the settings to see which gives the best display visual-affects...