3ds export
Hello everyone -
I'm having a very difficult time exporting a Sketchup model to 3ds file format. I'm running Sketchup Pro 7 on a Mac PowerBook G4 with Leopard as the OS. I can reliably export to any of the other file formats, but when I try to export to 3ds, it just hangs. Also, I do not get any option dialog box when I'm about to export to 3ds; the button is available, but it doesn't seem to do anything. I also opened up my copy of Sketchup Pro 6, just to see if that exporter was working, but no luck there as well. I have let the machine run for several hours, hoping that it would give me an error message or something, but no.
My specific problem is that I have built a model in sketchup which I am trying to take into 3d studio max 9 to be rendered. I have tried everything else that I can think of, and get errors on import for obj, fbx and dae. I have textured the model extensively in Sketchup and am loath to give up the UV mapping and start all over again in 3d studio.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Randolph -
i think exporting to .3ds loses all your UV data, just to warn you.
Another option might be to export a .obj then import it in to another program that can export .3ds. Blender might do the job.
.3ds keeps the UV's, use the export settings window to enable texture mapping.
is it Sus .3ds import that loses the UV data then?
@remus said:
is it Sus .3ds import that loses the UV data then?
Nope, but it messes up the backface UV mapping.
Thanks for your advice. I was finally able to get my desktop computer (iMac G5 PPC) to export to 3ds, but despite wiping and reinstalling Sketchup on my laptop three times, I still can't get it to bring up a 3ds export dialog window or export anything to that file format. Does anyone know why this might be happening? Very strange. Now I'm just having some issues in 3d studio, but those are probably solvable.
Are you using SU pro?
As SU free does not have 3d export availabilities.
I could imagine a corrupt install (exporters are installed somehow separately from the main app) but not so many (and every) time. Did you also re-download the dmg file from Google?
@remus said:
i think exporting to .3ds loses all your UV data, just to warn you.
You can export to 3ds either keeping the UV maps OR vertices welded (unfortunately not both). Since it's relatively easy to weld the vertices (back) in Max, especially if you don't have many curved surfaces, choose UV option instead. If you plan to retexture everything, welded vertices are your choice.
Two suggestions that sometimes work for Mac users:
Delete, move or rename the SU Preferences file so that it creates a new, clean one.
Repair your disk permissions.