New function on the 3D WH, 3D VIEW
wait, Imported? its his model
@chris fullmer said:
@Phil. Its on their downloads-plugins page here:
The first one un Under Viewer compatibility. Google SketchUp Web Exporter (Beta)
Chris, and Alan I meant the Ruby that "James" made that rotates the model. This is different than the web exporter plug-in. and Who is James?
another bug, I mentioned earlier.
Look at the window. See anything funny?For some reason, the 3D viewer makes textures with differences in transparency turn blue.
Yes, that's a known issue about it and "they are working on it..."
I've noticed something: none of the most recent models have 3D views
Scott Lininger said, maybe in another thread, that it takes a few days maybe for the 3dwh to process the 3d view. So give it some time, then you'll be able to see the 3d view.
Does anyone here know of a way to create SWF files that have the same effect. IE detect where the mouse is and cycle through image files: That way we only need to have one swf file to accomplish the same effect.
It's not too difficult, Phil. Just set up a line of mouseover objects along the bottom of the screen; each one linked to an image in a series generated by SU. Here's a bit of fun I did many years ago. It might be a little slow to load as it's on a defunct website, now cached by the Waybackmachine.
Thanks Alan That's precisely what I wanted. I'll need to research this more but I think I grasp the concept. I suppose it's possible instead of mouse over objects visible at the bottom one could create invisible slices the entire height of the image so if there were 72 images essentially slice the image area up into 72 slices and associate each slice with a separate image therefore the end user would feel as if they were manipulating the images as apposed to moving a sliding bar. that's the beauty of the web exporter is that you feel as thou you are rotating the model live.
I'll push a few flash buttons and see what I can come up with.
By the way Victor does indeed look as thou he was created a few years back.
That's the idea, Phil. I no longer have the original .fla file; if I did, I'd send it to you so you could see the actionscript. In that example, there are about 24 invisible "piano keys" overlaying the flash symbol...each one linked to a specific image.