[REQ] plugin to calculate list of objects with price
My English is very bad, I recognize.
I don't know if it already exists, but it would like a plugin to work like this:
We create and we attribute specifications of ID in some components. We exporte as a list csv for Microsoft Excel. In Excel we have a list products and items, as components of Sketchup. In columns beside that list we attribut monetary values of cost for unit, cost for square meter or cubic meter of the components. We export that list again for Sketchup. Those data are save in the components. Or then we attribut in the components directly costs for unit or for volume. Then, at the end of the project, we can have a list of amounts of products and items in the scene, also join a total cost of the scene.
I work with projects interiors in Sketchup, and that resource would be very interesting.
With SU7 you can export a report under File>Generate Report. You can get an CSV file that could be used in a spreadsheet to do what you want.
RpReports is designed to let you create attributes - such as cost per sq foot, etc. for components - place the components into SketchUp and create reports.
It is designed for applications where you create a library of components and distribute it to your dealers, or clients, who place the components and create a parts list with prices.
Because of its price, and the up-front work required to create a component library, define attributes, define formulas for calculations and design reports - it is designed for large projects, and not for individual users who want an occasional report.
See: RpReports