Reloading component - looses all attributes
What seems to be the case is that once you load a DC in and change any components or stretch it, etc., it makes it a new/unique component. I made a few additions to a component a moment ago which theoretically shouldn't affect anything (it didn't take away or alter an existing functions), however if I try to right click->reload that component in my other scene, it tells me i've made changes and am I sure I want to replace it! I say yes, and it resets it to its default scale/attributes.
Is there a way around this?
I'm not quite following. Clarify this:
"however if I try to right click->reload that component in my other scene, it tells me i've made changes and am I sure I want to replace it! I say yes, and it resets it to its default scale/attributes."
Reloading it in another scene? or do you mean file? And which resets tot he default? The one that got placed in? The other one?
Maybe just some simple direct steps that recreate the problem, thanks!
btw, did the answer in the other thread help?
I think it's just me misunderstanding SU. Only started using it 2 days ago
I have a master file for my component that I work on and then save that component out every now and then, thinking other scenes can just reference that file, but it looks like it doesn't reference it, it just merges it in.
Ahh, yes su does not reference like that. If you include a component in a file, it is embeded as is. So if you alter the original, it will not get altered in the other file until you reload it. Good luck with SU,
@duke said:
Well I tell you what would be useful - a script called "Reload&Retain" or something, where it replaces the existing component with the one you pick, BUT it keeps the scale (already keeps rot, pos), as well as an attribute values.
that would be a nice plugin...
I second this suggestion. -
Well I tell you what would be useful - a script called "Reload&Retain" or something, where it replaces the existing component with the one you pick, BUT it keeps the scale (already keeps rot, pos), as well as all attribute values.
isn't that what the XRef-Manager plugin does? created by TIG
if you want it to, it checks your models at every startup and automatically updates all the referenced components. the only thing that is not possible (because SketchUp simply doesn't allow it), is to actually save the component externally (meaning, that if I place a component as reference in the model, only the position, rotation and scale is saved in the parent-file, but not the geometry itself).
[Edit] Wow! that was my 1111th post!!!
@plot-paris said:
isn't that what the XRef-Manager plugin does? created by TIG
if you want it to, it checks your models at every startup and automatically updates all the referenced components. the only thing that is not possible (because SketchUp simply doesn't allow it), is to actually save the component externally (meaning, that if I place a component as reference in the model, only the position, rotation and scale is saved in the parent-file, but not the geometry itself).
[Edit] Wow! that was my 1111th post!!!
Does it save the attributes that DC's uses? That's the key here.
Also, as of SU7 you can now save components to file.
well, 'saving as' and 'reloading' a DC works for me. attributes are still there. and I guess what xRef manager does is the same. so it should be working (just a guess though. don't use xRef myself and can't test it right now).
by the way, wasn't it possible to to save a component (by context click > save as) in SU6?
@plot-paris said:
by the way, wasn't it possible to to save a component (by context click > save as) in SU6?
Indeed it was (or actually still is)