Help from Mac users: trouble with tool bars
my problem is this: i have already saved a template with all the toolbars that i want to open at startup but everytime i open a new file a different set of tool bars open with it. not the ones i want, to be sure. i end up having to close and open a bunch of tool bars all the time.
can anyone help with solving this? thanks.
Did you use the File -> Save As Template... feature? I think that just applies to what you see in your model space (styles, units, initial camera position, etc...) and not toolbar locations. Sorry, I don't know how you would save those.
yes, i did.
Go to SketchUp> preferences>template. Is the file you saved the default setting? If not, is the file you saved on the list? Is so, select that as the default template, quit and restart SketchUp.
If you can't find the file you saved type the name in Mac spotlight and see if it is saved in the correction location. I had the same problem, as I remember, it was because the template was saved in the wrong location.
Hope this helps.
this did not work. i saved the file carefully with the toolbars i want open but it opened the way i did not want: the wrong toolbars and all around the place.
the second strange thing is: the templates i saved to SU7's template folder do not show up after a spotlight search!! how could they have become invisible?