Fractal Tree Maker for SketchUp - Free add-on
When making Palm trees the bend option shows in the raytrace but not in the component, it straightens out.
Fill yer boots. all the leaves you could ever want.
Note: these are links to collections, not the images themselves. -
Heres another link from old post by ilay7k on leafs, but I have not tried it out yet
Al, thanks for sharing......this really made my morning. It's like Onyx for Sketchup! Amazing stuff! I'll see if I can do some testing as well.
EDIT - Al, when I download from the link you provided on the renderplus forum, I get a .zip file that is empty (0 bytes)......any ideas?
@alan fraser said:
I used my technique for exporting a vector outline from PS, then merged that and the image directly in SU. It takes about 10 minutes, but it's a little more controllable.
Hi Alan do you have a link to this please - I tried a quick search with no results.
This version isn't quite ready for the 3DW yet, but here's a SU shadow-casting version. I didn't use the script; I used my technique for exporting a vector outline from PS, then merged that and the image directly in SU. It takes about 10 minutes, but it's a little more controllable.
Link to tutorial
Link added.
Thanks Alan
(I tried searching "exporting a vector outline from PS")
Thank you very much Al,
@earthmover said:
EDIT - Al, when I download from the link you provided on the renderplus forum, I get a .zip file that is empty (0 bytes)......any ideas?
Try again, Adam; it should work.
I have downloaded this and it is an exe file, which means Windows only. Any chance of a Mac version too Al?
@bigstick said:
I have downloaded this and it is an exe file, which means Windows only. Any chance of a Mac version too Al?
The Fractal tree software is Windows only, and I just can't seem to get the developer interested in MAC version.
@at3d said:
Stu, I have installed and located within SU but when pressed to, what I hope will activate, nothing happens in SU.
My machine is running Vista, could this be an issue?
Try opening the Ruby Console, and typing in: load('RpTreemaker,rb') and see if you get any error messages. Of if you get any error messages when you click Plugins/RpTreeMaker.rb
If there are no problems there, go to: Program Files\Render Plus Systems\RpTreeMaker
and see what happens when you run TreeEditor.exe by hand. There may be a DLL or something which is missing. -
@alan fraser said:
Excellent Plugin Al. It's good to hear that it's technically possible to load new bark textures also.
We didn't learn that we could add bark and leaves until yesterday. If I had read Richcat's leaf post earlier (and more carefully) I would have known.
If you use your own leaves and bark and post the model to the 3D Warehouse, then anyone downloading the model and trying to use the same leaves and bark as the basis for a new tree will not have them. The 2D image will work fine - but if you want to use the .ArPlant tree definition, the images will be missing.
We will plan to store the images on the SU component as well, so that users can truly share the designs.
Yet another one - now an attempt to make a plane ("like") tree.
And the link to the WH: -
@at3d said:
I have loaded the link but once back in SketchUp 6(Pro) and selecting the plugin nothing is happening...any suggestions?
See the next post )two posts down) where I offer some debugging ideas.
@al hart said:
@bigstick said:
I have downloaded this and it is an exe file, which means Windows only. Any chance of a Mac version too Al?
The Fractal tree software is Windows only, and I just can't seem to get the developer interested in MAC version.
Firstly a BIG thanks Al. This is very generous of you and just
further demonstrates the ethos of the SketchUp Community. I'm a
Mac user also BUT we do have BootCamp so should be able to use
Fractal Tree MakerHey! we can't always have the best of
both WorldsMike
Wow Al,
That is an amazing gift to the SU community. Much appreciated!Any chance the tree maker would create the full 3D model as well (even though SU has trouble with polycount)?
It would be great to be able to have full 3D for rendering.Thanks
i second that request.
@gaieus said:
Try again, Adam; it should work.
Working now. Thanks Gaieus! Man, everyday is like Xmas around here!