SU 7, yay or nay?
Its, not closed and as i write its 50 / 50
I have to vote nay as well. I agree with stinkie, it doesn't seem to be going down the road I need.
A more stable program seems like a point release to me, not a full version release. I think users accept too much beta level problems in software nowadays. That being said I still love sketchup and will continue to use it but I've got to find something that can handle the larger scenes. I don't know why any graphics program would not move to support multi-core processing... -
Nay. What a shame!
@cheffey said:
I have to vote nay as well. I agree with stinkie, it doesn't seem to be going down the road I need.
A more stable program seems like a point release to me, not a full version release. I think users accept too much beta level problems in software nowadays. That being said I still love sketchup and will continue to use it but I've got to find something that can handle the larger scenes. I don't know why any graphics program would not move to support multi-core processing...Because its a bit harder to do than it is to write about?
I realize they would have to potentially re-write the entire thing but they need to be looking forward and know that they have to move in that direction. I guess I shouldn't complain since the sketchup6 upgrade was free from my recollection, but I was really expecting a bit more in this release than dynamic components. Sorry to get you all red-faced remus.
@remus said:
@cheffey said:
I have to vote nay as well. I agree with stinkie, it doesn't seem to be going down the road I need.
A more stable program seems like a point release to me, not a full version release. I think users accept too much beta level problems in software nowadays. That being said I still love sketchup and will continue to use it but I've got to find something that can handle the larger scenes. I don't know why any graphics program would not move to support multi-core processing...Because its a bit harder to do than it is to write about?
Good point, but still: we're talking about 2 years of developing by one of the world's riches companies. You watched those new vids Google released? I did. They convey but one message: SketchUp is a toy. Those guys in lab coats!
All in all, the path chosen by Google seems one not dictated by technical difficulties, but by marketing concerns. "3D for everyone", you know?
I cannot vote yet. So far my experience has been pretty positive, I like the editing textures and hope it works well and the whole feel is pretty good, but I really need to load all the plugins and see how it works fully loaded.
Do I think it's anywhere near where it should have been though? Absolutely no way. I'm another one who thinks this is a good point release, but a shockingly poor new version upgrade.
Where's the "meh!" option?
Wouldnt want any fence sitting now
Stinkie, i think they are working on some big stuff. Bit of a guess really, but i dont think theyre stupid enough to sit around and not do anything about the speed issues.
I say Yay in the exporting for animation. I ran an animation a few months ago with a file size of about 30mb and in SU6 it took 3 days on 3 machines.
As a test, I ran the same model only further developed to over 50mb and it took 8hrs on 1 machine. (1 of the same machines used in the previous export.) I'd say that is a pretty good upgrade.
Well I have upgraded to Sketchup Version 7. I have found that modeling seem a little smoother, nothing I can put my finger on.
On the other hand, I paid hundreds of dollars to have the pro version. Version 7 gives me, a pro owner no improvement over the users of the free version. So why did I have to pay an extra $95 for the upgrade and nothing in pro version was upgraded that wasn’t upgraded in the free version.
Now I know that we have layout2, however, it seems to me I paid $495 for Sketchup 4, another $95 for version 5 a free upgrade to version 6 and a beta of Layout. And I never received the first version of Layout that worked. Now that means I paid $95 for a beta version and another $95 for a workable version of layout.
Just frustrated and annoyed.
Oh well, I least I am earning a living with Sketchup and that is a plus for me.
Edit Textures and Combine Textures have pushed SU7 into a yay for me.
Just hope there's lots of other discoveries to make it even better.
@remus said:
Wouldnt want any fence sitting now
Stinkie, i think they are working on some big stuff. Bit of a guess really, but i dont think theyre stupid enough to sit around and not do anything about the speed issues.
I don't think they're stupid either. I do think, however, that the 'speed issues' are not their prime concern. You remember the concerns Kwisten vented some time ago? You know, about SU becoming a tool (or toy?) for people who want to populate GE? He was right.
In effect, Google is smart. But it's not the kind of smart your typical modeling app user will benefit from in the long run.