Google Sketchup Pro 7 is out
I just downloaded SU7 Pro yesterday and can't wait to try all this new features. They all in general look pretty good. I'm gonna stay positive about the new release dispite all the heckelers. I really like the fact that you can scale a component and it will redraw to scale.
I'm pretty much disappointed, I will wait until the formal release comes out to see if there is more that I'm not seeing, my .02 cents.
Great news about the release.
To update from Pro, to SU7 is it $495 or a reduced upgrade fee?
Glennsorry, I didn't scroll down far enough. I just found the $95 upgrade posting.
Sounds good Coen, looking forward to the new site...
@remus said:
Unless im mistaken, DCs arent ruby, theyre straight SU.
I think you're mistaken. Strange that they would use Ruby for this one. Oh well...
After a bit of initial disappointment, I am starting to get more excited about the new features of SU7. I think dynamic components will make things interesting. There's lots of potential there. I hope we'll get a detailed list of Ruby changes soon. -
Yeah Coen, the pluses for SU 7 seem to be adding up and im really looking forward to using the intersection capabilities.
But, I dont think Im excited enough to do a Pro upgrade [and besides the AUD exchange rate is lousy at the moment].
So, Ive downloaded the free version, loaded it with Rubies and Podium and on the occasion I need to do a DWG export I will save as V6 and open it in my SU6 Pro. I just cant think of a good reason to spend that $180AUD or so....Anybody?ED. So now Ive got it for free I'll stop bitching!!.....Great Job Guys!!!
@remus said:
Unless im mistaken, DCs arent ruby, theyre straight SU.
It's under the Tools folder in SU7. Though, all the .rb files are crypted.
Unless im mistaken, DCs arent ruby, theyre straight SU.
Edit: i stand corrected, they are ruby.
Indeed it is, jim pointed it out as well
i love new dyn.components, just switch on formula button at examples of DC.
And you can see dependence values. it's incredible features! -
Yeah, them components are good.
"Scale without stretching
New Dynamic Components are special: they're programmed to know what they are. When you use the Scale tool on a dynamic staircase, it automatically adds or removes steps as you make it bigger or smaller. No more stretching, no more distortion." -
I made a wish on this forum for texture editing with an outside photo editer, so I'm very pleased that SU7 has that function.
have try psd-format(7-n can import it) by using Adobe PhotoShop?
@stu said:
I just cant think of a good reason to spend that $180AUD or so....Anybody?
hi stu, I havent tried v7 yet, but if the improvements to layout are as they say, it will be worth the 180 for that alone, i hope to throw the other cad apps away for ever!
Has anyone tried opening a really heavy model with 7 yet? Just read this comment somewhere else those are handled with greater ease. Seems a bit unlikely.
@johnsenior1973 said:
I made a wish on this forum for texture editing with an outside photo editer, so I'm very pleased that SU7 has that function.
See John, at least there are some bits that people like. Everybody ha their own.
@baz said:
@stu said:
I just cant think of a good reason to spend that $180AUD or so....Anybody?
hi stu, I havent tried v7 yet, but if the improvements to layout are as they say, it will be worth the 180 for that alone, i hope to throw the other cad apps away for ever!
Baz, I can operate ACAD LT in my sleep and from the reports coming in about Layout 2, dont throw away your cad apps yet
@unknownuser said:
hi stu, I havent tried v7 yet, but if the improvements to layout are as they say, it will be worth the 180 for that alone, i hope to throw the other cad apps away for ever!
A little too much negativity here IMO. Parametric components will be spectacular. Think about it, you will be able to add more and more detail to your buildings really easily with cool components downloaded from the 3D Warehouse. Roof trusses, balustrades, curtain walling, even arrays of roof tiles.
I like the ability to easily get 3DW content in and out of your models - nice.
I don't use LayOut (although I am a long time Pro user) but it really needed improving, and I hope it is really usable now.
I speak to lots of people who want to draw up plans for their own houses. When their requirements are simple, recommending a CAD package is way OTT. SU and Layout might be perfect for them. Unfortunately LayOut isn't with the free version though.I don't want to gloss over the not so good omissions though. There has been a lot of mention of multi-core. This is misleading IMO. The key thing is the speed and ease of handling large and complex models.
Google has given the wonderfully easy to use toolbox with which we can make anything we want. Yet the more we play with it, the more unusable it becomes. Each time they release an update, they give us more cool stuff to add more complexity, but don't address the speed issue. So we can add as much detail as we want to our scenes, and do it really easily as well and navigate in textured, shaded 3D with shadows - or not.
This brings us onto the shadow bug. Let's face it, you probably knew this was going to crop up
Coen keeps telling us (ad nauseam) that it's a legal issue. Well - yes, and no. Carmack's reverse and its technology is a legal issue. Getting around it with a different approach isn't. How many other 3d apps have this problem? None that I am aware of. If other applications can make it work Google should be able to as well.
I think part of the problem is that the Google guys only work on small models that aren't particularly complex. This must be true because I'm quite sure if they found, like I do that with even fairly smallish models with lots of detail get very slow to manipulate and update on screen with shadows and textures on - and I have an 8 core Mac Pro!
This is fair, after all, they aren't design professionals working with horrendously complex models. However they do need to get to grips with what a large segment of their market uses it tools for. The fact that so many of use have been asking about speed when dealing with complex models and shadows, mean that these things are really important for us and genuinely do need fixing. Google - we aren't idly b*tching, we really need this stuff!
In summary, some nice tools that may well change the way we work with SU, but because core functionality needs improving, they may well show up some fundamental limitations of the application. For me 6/10