Got a project wonder if its possible to make a 3D skin?
Hi im kinda new to sketchup,but im learning more and more, anyways ive got a project(i do rc modeling for aircraft) and im creating a 3D Fairey Swordfish from 3-views and cutouts, i have made the ribs/formers and the side/center of the body but the 3D (skin) part is the problem is there any way to make that? like how the follow me tool(except that only works well for circles and such symmetrical stuff) so anyways any way to do that?
here is two simple examples, they were both done in under a minute, so they still would require a lot more refinement, and possible some additional section.
- simply selecting sections and using "From Contours" form sandbox tools.
- I used weld ruby to join lines and arcs in your sections into polylines, and then used Skin ruby. A few clicks again, nothing fancy.
Obviously it is far from final but it could get you started.
Oh my god!!!
sweet!!! wow that is sooo cool!! so could you explain that in alittle more detail? also do you know of any easier ways to unfold stuff? like rather than clicking on each section one at a time(which is kinda hard for this bird)thanks a million!
Ahh i get it messed around a little so i click on lines, and then i use Draw----Sandbox----form contours then i get panels that cover the plane, ok so now how about the unfolding part?
thanks so much!
ahhh unfolding, did a lot of it, when was building architectural models.
I am not sure if i will be able to help with this. I do remember there was a free ruby plugin that would assist you with unfolding. It was far from perfect but helped.
I did see some amazing staff here but i never used it myself.
When i had to unfold something I used Pepakura ( worked great back thenThese are more or less automated methods, but if there are not too many faces you can always do it manually.
yeah ive been doing it manually another one of my models(below) has a cowl which has the front piece/sheet angled backwards, then you have a flat piece, then you have the rear piece angled forwards so when i unfolded it the stuff overlapped really annoying.
OH yeah BTW once i get all the parts unfolded for the Skid-x i get to provide plans and build it
oh heres a question how to plot(pdfs and what not) without all the extra outer space? you know like pic is centered and theres massive white space around picture? i have basic(free) not pro
Ahhh guess you gotta buy both(im still trying shareware waybe)
thanks for showing me this program/software!
Go to this site: and download the FREE unwrapper called Roadkill...Very good program and pretty easy to learn...
here are 2
This a perfect example for the use of lofted shapes.
have a look under * Ruby Discussions i have requested a loft script.