Couple of Random Textures
Wow, awesome freebies!!!
Thanks, we all appreciate it! -
These are really nice.
Thanks alot -
Good stuff!
Thanks -
these are not as good, but maybe someone still can use them.
...I deleted some colors errors and tile
...good work,thanks ones again!
This therad is fast becoming a veritable treasure trove.
Thank you guys
doing my best to keep it alive3 more. I had a bunch of these textures for a long time. I think i got them from one of the free texture sites. Sadly they did not tile well, looked kind of dirty. This is an attempt to rebuild them.
Really Great! I love the Blue Material. Might I ask, what sort of license are you releasing these under? I mean if I were to make a model with one, and sell it, would you mind(Theoretical question only)?
its a DO WHAT YOU LIKE, license, with just one limitation. If you improve it, share it with the rest of us hehehe
No strings attachedThese textures is just my way of saying "thanks" to a great forum where I learned so much.
Working right now on a stone wall... we will see how it goes.
Thanks very much! I'm quite fond of the Do anything License.
wasted so much time on this one, still can not get it right. It looks nothing like the original image. Also photo apperently was taking on a sunny day so light is too bright....
well, maybe someone can fix it, I am tired of it
2 more....
working on some rust...
These are all great Andri. Thanks so much for all your hard work!
kevsterman, glad you like them.
Finished two rust images.... plus quick test render with one of the rust textures....
Just want to say thanks a lot for your good job with the textures, truly appreciate your work, again many thanks.
I wish i could offer something in exchange, I can provide you with images. Soon...anyway, have a great weekend
@bruell said:
Just want to say thanks a lot for your good job with the textures, truly appreciate your work, again many thanks.
I wish i could offer something in exchange, I can provide you with images. Soon...anyway, have a great weekend
Glad I could help....
Images would be huge help.... because now i waste more time looking for a source then actually making a texture. So any images thrown my way would really help me keep this alive.Thank you guys
I'm looking for the material pictures so hang in there;
So long check this and see how i made your textures to SU materials...would you like the pictures posted here or shall I mail them to you personally?
It is really up to you, if you like i can send you my email via PM
Whatever is more comfortable for you.
Model looks great by the way -