Are you ready for SketchUp 7 news?
@gaganraj said:
i don't think SU 7 even exists.
Well I can't blame you considering this
The silence about Sketchup is killing (except for the news SU will get a Lively Plugin).Google seems to shoot its arrows on 'integration with other Google applications'.
But what about the pure 3D modelers features?It is starting to piss me off to be honest.
This thread can be deleted for what I am concerned.
20 pages of spilled electronic ink. -
I am guessing that many of us on this thread have access to much more intensive modeling/rendering packages such as 3DSMax. Why are we waiting for Sketchup 7?
If you are like me, you have found that 3DSMax is not as fun to use. I'm not sure why, but it could be that its 1300 plus commands with endless options tend to twart the creative process. It is also near impossible to model accurately without the aid of AutoCad. $10,000 later I think that SU is a very nice breath of fresh air.
I have a great renderer, but just wish that I could build and export large scenes and get the same basic UV mapping capabilities as in the more expensive packages.
Not to forget to mention the totally cluttered interface of AutoCad and 3D max I think if i'd to spend the extra buck for a high end 3D app i'd take it on me to learn Cinema 4D. I think Cinema supports vast numbers of polys.
I use SU paired up with Vue 6 infinite, but i wish they could at least develop a decent obj exporter that would translate components into groups.
Vue costs only $ 800 and has amazing capabilities and high poly support, just one of the best tools for artists. It just needs to work better with SU then i'm happy. That's why i'm hoping and anticipating SU7.
But I'm getting the thought that I'm going to wait in vain for SU ... remember the Bob Marley song " I don't want to wait in vain for your love"
It's shameful that E-on haven't produced an SU plugin for Vue.
You can import SU directly into VUE Infinite, but I've found translating it to an obj file first much better. Hopefully VUE 7 will improve on this.
@daniel said:
You can import SU directly into VUE Infinite
LOL, I had to open Vue 6i just to check you were right! Damn I missed that before jumping ship for Vray- I guess I wasn't looking for it so I didn't notice it. Shame you still have to go via the obj route, and more so that they haven't yet produced a plugin UI for SU, but then Vue's UI is fairly complex (albeit fairly logical by render prog standards) so maybe it wouldn't lend itself to SU integration.
@jackson said:
It's shameful that E-on haven't produced an SU plugin for Vue.
You can import SU directly into VUE Infinite, but I've found translating it to an obj file first much betterYou're damn right about the import and the OBJ file I do it trough the obj BUT I would wish that the objects were better organized it dissolves components....It should turn the components to groups at least!
I use Vue a lot and use .skp -->.3ds using Deep Exploration and it works great for me so far.
Solo, does that preserve the textures on the SU model?
Im looking at giving vue a go (nothing to do with the fact that theyve got a free PLE version, i swear.)
I haven't used Vue for a while, but my experience of it was that it did mess up the textures if you exported to 3ds with welded vertices. The trick was to export preserving the texture coordinated then weld the vertices in Vue. You just need to be a little careful of material grouping, then it's no real problem.
Here's a thread on the old forum that explains the procedure. This was prior to V6 and does not contain textures, but it does explain about the Split function in Vue. -
Cheers alan, im assuming thats the case if you use deep exploration to convert as well?
Remus, Yes it does maintain the texture coordinates.
tell you what, once you up and running with the PLE version and you have a model thats textured and want it used in Vue let me get it and convert it for you. However with a prog like Vue why in the world would you want to texture in SU in the first place? Just export your model using colors for textures and do the texturing in Vue, and if using a photo texture then map it in SU and you will notice it will be maintained in Vue and can even be replaced with a higher resolution one in vue. -
Cheers solo. Didnt realise vue did texture mapping, another thing i'll have to have a look at.
@solo said:
I use Vue a lot and use .skp -->.3ds using Deep Exploration and it works great for me so far.
where is this deep exploration? in SU? in the export? or in the Vue Import? I used OBJ because the 3ds resulted in missing geometry and twisted faces.
Deep exploration is a rather pricey file conversion/management program. It does a very good job of converting files between lots of formats, often a lot better than the SU exporters can do.
@unknownuser said:
One of the new features will be called Nibble, This feature will progressively Eat away at your model until eventually there is nothing left. The process can be controlled and the amount of nibble and the rate of nibble and when to stop the nibble are user controlled.
I also heard that they were thinking of features called "lick" and "suck" until the marketing people thought about the slogan ...
@john.warburton said:
I also heard that they were thinking of features called "lick" and "suck" until the marketing people thought about the slogan ...
@john.warburton said:
features called "lick" and "suck"
I think new version will be much different. They could call it SuckIt Up 1.0... beta ??
Now taking seriously. I have an impression that Google is preparing something similar to the 'Chrome' but in 3D world. It takes so long because:
- they are(?) almost rewriting the whole thing
- Google SU Team members were excited at Base Camp - because they are working on an 'open source(?)' new approach to 3D modelling and because they are able involve their own talents and ideas
- they are(?) creating Linux version as well
I wish it was true
Tomasz wrote:
@unknownuser said:
It takes so long because:
LOL, could be a great thread, I will start.
SU7 is taking so long because:
They are moving the Sketchup department from Boulder to Wassilla, Alaska to avoid the 'High poly army' from gathering if it does not have features they want ...who's gonna picket in Alaska in winter?
@solo said:
LOL, could be a great thread, I will start.
SU7 is taking so long because:
Out of sympathy with current users, they are doing all development work on a single core processor.
They are using old Mac's with a one button mouse and they can't figure out how to orbit.
They are spending all their time at Wassilla's new sports center because there's nothing good at the library.