There are NO dates for SU 7.
well the Bible can be inspiration for quite some freaky stories. should read it at some point (only from a narrator's point of fiew - its too late to convert to this believe).
(if you draw inspiration from "Mein Kampf" you are a thread for your surroundings and should be locked up)
@plot-paris said:
well the Bible can be inspiration for quite some freaky stories. should read it at some point (only from a narrator's point of fiew - its too late to convert to this believe).
It's only too late when you're dead.
are you dead? -
not entirely dead yet. but have figured out sort of my own theory of believe, that is a lot more scientific and suites me quite well.
I lost my faith in God as proposed in Christian Religion when attending confirmatiion classes.
to make me believe in an old bearded man shaping the world, something very dramatic has to happen in my life (probably involving complete amnesia)oh dear, utterly off topic again. should start a thread in the corner bar about that. in fact, isn't there a huge thread about believe (that I always wanted to read but didn't find the time)?
sorry everybody still a bit off topic....
isn't it amazing in witch ways we get distracted while waiting for the true Revelation? SU 7 ???!!!!
I would never have thought about worshipping Joe Pesci
now if I choose someone to be my God impersonation it will be someone like Ian McKellen (with a beard - beard=old and wise)but George Carlin has to be right. if there is a God, why does he not listen to millions of prayers asking for SketchUp7?
and if he doesn't because it is not in his divine plan... WHY IS SU7 NOT IN HIS DIVINE PLAN! -
It is i his divine plan, but the humans involved are kind of slow, and HE wants to make sure that it's gonna be Damn DIVINE !!!
@plot-paris said:
I would never have thought about worshipping Joe Pesci
now if I choose someone to be my God impersonation it will be someone like Ian McKellen (with a beard - beard=old and wise)but George Carlin has to be right. if there is a God, why does he not listen to millions of prayers asking for SketchUp7?
and if he doesn't because it is not in his divine plan... WHY IS SU7 NOT IN HIS DIVINE PLAN!Jesus saves.. God is real.. We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
~John 3:16 (King James Version) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
@mpowell1234567890 said:
If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
what I allways asked myself is: if I don't believe in God, will I nontheless have to pass his divine judgement?
anyway, in my personal belief all my deeds will have an effect on my surroundings. and when I die, all the energy within me, good as well as bad forces, will have an influence on my surroundings, will dye the collective spirit of all beings so to speak, for good and for bad. that is enough reason for me to try to have a positive influence on the world; because even if I am only one person of more than 6 billion - it makes a difference if I spread love or hate.
so I think basically it is the same goal as passing God's judgement, only with a differetn explanation.or as "the shepherd" in "Serenity" used to say: "It doesn't matter in what you believe. Just believe in something!"
@bruell said:
It is i his divine plan, but the humans involved are kind of slow, and HE wants to make sure that it's gonna be Damn DIVINE !!!
as long as the Google guys are aware of their responsibility, I am confident that they will live up to the "Prophecy of the 7th SketchUp"
@mpowell1234567890 said:
Jesus saves.. God is real.. We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
Oh no - please guys, let's NOT have religious arguments here. The original comments were meant to be light hearted and were from (AFAIK) atheists. We are all here to chat about SketchUp and have a laugh.
Yes we digress from time to time, but in my experience, debates about god lead nowhere. Sadly it seems to me that most Christians who post about religion on forums don't tend to have much of a sense of humour and take things far too seriously. This isn't intended to be a criticism, most that I have met are lovely people, but utterly incapable of having a light-hearted discussion about religion, so I think it's better if we just don't go there.
O.K. shall we simply declare SketchUp as our God within the realms of "SketchUp Discussions" (and move all topics relating to other divine entities to the "corner bar").
so SketchUp is our God; and Google is the Prophet. of course we must understand that our dear Prophet has quite a tough job translating God's will into a language, mortals like us are able to understand. and lets hope that Google listens to all these other people with a connection to the Allmighty's thoughts, who wrote psalms like "OnSurfaceTools", "JointPushPull", "FreeFormDeformator" or "Subdivide&Smooth" and draw inspiration from this valuable source.
all we can do is wait for the big day to come. but the fact that a new "SketchUp for Dummies" is on it's way, is somehow reasuring to me.
(by the way: why is there no "Christianity for Dummies"? I could do with that)
@bigstick said:
@mpowell1234567890 said:
Jesus saves.. God is real.. We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
Oh no - please guys, let's NOT have religious arguments here. The original comments were meant to be light hearted and were from (AFAIK) atheists. We are all here to chat about SketchUp and have a laugh.
Yes we digress from time to time, but in my experience, debates about god lead nowhere. Sadly it seems to me that most Christians who post about religion on forums don't tend to have much of a sense of humour and take things far too seriously. This isn't intended to be a criticism, most that I have met are lovely people, but utterly incapable of having a light-hearted discussion about religion, so I think it's better if we just don't go there.
I'm not being critical, I'm only sharing the Gospel Truth. Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship with Jesus.
@mpowell1234567890 said:
I'm not being critical, I'm only sharing the Gospel Truth. Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship with Jesus.
Great, fantastic. Now ... back to SketchUp? If you leave God out of this, I'll go easy on the Nazi references.
Seriously, Bigstick has a point.
@unknownuser said:
@mpowell1234567890 said:
I'm not being critical, I'm only sharing the Gospel Truth. Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship with Jesus.
Great, fantastic. Now ... back to SketchUp? If you leave God out of this, I'll go easy on the Nazi references.
Seriously, Bigstick has a point.
Well - The part where someone said "O.K. shall we simply declare SketchUp as our God within the realms of "SketchUp Discussions" (and move all topics relating to other divine entities to the "corner bar")" Why was God mensioned in that sentence?
@mpowell1234567890 said:
Why was God mensioned in that sentence?
because many people (including me) worship SketchUp like a divine being (and sometimes SketchUp does behave like that - talking to me in riddles)
oh, and I have to say, I do enjoy these ironic nazi remarks here on the forum. lessens the "He who must not be named" aura (like in Germany where all my fellow citizens grew serious when I uttered the name Adolf).
(probably one reason why I came to the UK - the wonderful Monty Python humor)
Isn't it in its core a sad thing that religions can't go with a little fun? If you have a look around the world, you will notice, that no mater witch religion you choose the worshipers always look very serious.
Ho ho and of course very cross when confronted with any kind of joy or laughter.
Can't wait for SU7 though!!!
except the Dalai Lama - he is allways laughing
and to keep us laughing too, Google should at least give us a hint. something like: "hey guys, we are working hard on SketchUp7 and we are confident, you will love it. but dont expect anything before next spring..."
just some info...
i think they are all worried about the LHC thing now,
so... -
@juanv.soler said:
i think they are all worried about the LHC thing now,
so...Ah I don't know this acronym is this another one fished out of the alphabet soup?
no, I am pretty sure that the Large Hadron Collider experiment are worrying them so much now that until it is not finished they have decided not to go on with version 7.
just in case.
(you know, they are in need of big excuse, but dont you tell anyone¡)