Stonehenge Project
That's nice.
I also downloaded the model but my rig is currently rendering a hard one (displacement kills you) so I will get to it later...
Nice render challenge -
Nice, Pete.
This is why I never do exterior renders
OH! Wow! This is fun!
...and really creative: the stonehenge demo reel
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-'s my first 2cents (thanks Tom : much fun!)
...did someboday say stonehInge?? anybody? come on.. thanks..i'll be here all week folks..
This is getting to be really fun.
@marked001 said:
...did someboday say stonehInge?? anybody? come on.. thanks..i'll be here all week folks..
... or "stonedhenge"Tom
Love your artistic joint drawing skills remus
honed through a thousand hours of practice.
stone hinge...LOL!
This just gets better and better!!
Tom Tool Swinger,
This is very Jack bird scary... I am very "freaked" by Stonehenge...
Sorry about this... Not at all to be disrespectful... But that place and the deep oceans are scary in equal amounts.
Durant "I'd like a bit of non-fear ridden shade" Hapke
And with good reason there, D of H, fursur...but still havin' fun with it:
Had to try a DWC:
Great models here buddy and thanks for sharing i am sure they will prove to be useful for me and many others
Oooh, Tom!
That water color version looks exqui-awesome-isite! Is that through a PS filter or through an SU style?