Tade to the Ma,
Bring that.
Very steel for real action.
D the FH
Tade to the Ma,
Bring that.
Very steel for real action.
D the FH
Ladies and gentleman, brothers and sisters, friends, and all those in,
Modelhead's green Jack is a bird baller. Bring that action.
Jack it.
And onto Jacking it to the next.
Jack the power of myth is a the inside scoop on this entire JC documentary I've been percolating.
There is a lot of "fuel" on the web. Fuel for evolution and staying strong against the "Dimming gravity" of the universe.
I was all about the grays for so long, the meat puppets. Sure, I Jack bird feared them, not without good reason, but without a plan. I had no plan. Man it seems, has no plan, and that's what this Joseph Campbell Jack is all about waning us. Oh, just to let you know, you can't get hold of that old dude, as he's kick into the black void. No more sand painting.
At any rate, I've been just back from the brambles for a short while, and am more concerned and conflicted then I can recall -- unless I go way back to Jack bird "sand box land" -- back to getting that coffee can stuck on my head and cutting the bridge of my nose.
I've half a mind to start blogging as my sketch up platform seems very flat. Flat and sexless.
What happened? What Jack bird happened... That types out a good bit like a mans last Jack action words.
"Hey, you, hot legs there sucking on that Long Island, what Jack bird happened?... You want me to put some gum in your hair?"
Can't get much traction with that.
Gum. Digital gum.
Durant "fish it out with a coat hanger" Hapke
The tower.
Ladies and gentleman, brothers and sisters, friends, and all those in,
Got so off the road, almost stayed there -- rethinking the thoughts I thought mattered, and not such.
But I was feeling to out of orbit with the "real world" -- so just got back to the numbered teeth.
There's this cat on the PBS, Joseph Campbell Jack, and I caught him at this college bar, on the tube there, all sitting with coeds, and he was laying out this "every culture is into the same Jack bird action" and showing old school slides.
I think it was all called the Power of getting your Myth on, or something.
So, JC was saying that at the end of our days, chicks want to be cranky mothers in laws, and dudes just want to fish.
But, then he said that's all a cosmic lie, a strange bunch of crack from our inner selves trying to mess us up.
At the end of our Jack bird days, we what just what we wanted when we kicked the starter peddle:
Sex, and lot's of it.
But, we feel all old and creepy about it, so we lie to ourselves.
Then he talked about sand art, not the kind you make in a bottle.
This got me back out of the weeds woods.
I have some lessons.
Durant "I not set to eject" Hapke
33.3 bubble
Ladies and gentleman, brothers and sisters, Friends, and all those in,
33.3 days in the wilderness looking up numbers.
33.3 hours writing them down.
33.3 beers to forget.
However, the Jack bird is boiling mad so the party should begin.
Durant "clip my wings" Hapke
A to the Media,
Very bring it.
Jack bird rock that meat puppet action.
Your a fire blast.
D the FH
Model to the Head,
Slam dancing dug dig your popping animated film action.
Not at all Jack bird far from where I'm thinking I'm craving to head.
As for my deepening understanding of all things complex render... I'm smoking a big pile of mystery.
This as it is, I'm feeling growing lust -- growing heat -- and creative Jack hotness.
Upon cracking my first cold can this AM, I was treated to the following from the mind of Kink's Cobb Ape:
%(#4000BF)[Durant F,
Regarding the image Solo referred to (G), this was just me doing by hand what Deep Exploration probably did automatically to make the .STL, namely connect the dots. This is good, and yields the best results so far. His STL file has the cleanest subdivide, but still is not perfect for two reasons-
A. because it connects randomly, you end up with a lot of concentration of geo in areas rather than a nice even distribution, and
B. you also have it drawing across open areas, though less than before.
Problem B. can be solved somewhat by welding vertices, which ties down the corners, so to speak.
We are very close to a solution, much thanks to Solo. The main issue is getting a nice evenly distributed topology (closer to squares than stretched out triangles)
UV's are not ideal but workable - as you can see in the image, they're a bit random, but this can be adjusted (I can relax the problem areas to get more evenly distributed texture space).
Are you planning to come by the store today?
(Ape Cobb)]
That's the deal on that, and I'm Jack bird wanting to bring a flaming hose up into my models.
Regardless, AC is about bringing it now, and has these image churning out, I'm want to eat them.
The Jack bird last image is a freak show of love sex.
Durant "hungry fire" Hapke
I like a fresh drink, oh, a tall one? Yeah.
Bring the Ape -- the Cobb Ape speaks.
First, the blue text in said attached image says:
%(#4000BF)[A -- Base model imported to Max
B -- Base model subdivided
C -- Model after automated cleaning in sketchup with plugin
D -- Model after manually correcting (here a word I can't read -- vertices per-hacks?) on multi-sided polygons to maintain quad construction
E -- Model with points connected (selecting all vertices and drawing connecting lines randomly)
G -- Model with points connected after subdividing (Improvement)]
Cobb of the planet of the Apes goes Jack bird on to say:
%(#4000BF)[Durant the F,
What we are getting into here is not a question of rendering it, it's a question of:
A. subdividing for added detail and imperfections (zBrush).
B. proper UV'ing (not just planar or box mapping)
C. being able to rig for animation (for rigid bodies, might not be a problem, but any deformation, like cables or accordion valves etc. would get to use your term "jacked up")
D. being able to cut the model in a predictable way (ex: for shattering or destruction simulations)
SketchUp is a great program. It's not the tool itself, it's how the model is built. Not being a primary user of SU, I can't speak to how it might introduce additional issues/problems, by creating co-planar faces or extraneous vertices.]
So, what? -- I'm guessing it's not a slam dance of a modeling practice issue -- not me or the way I model such action.
Oh, and there is this student over on campus who the Cobb Ape introduced me to who is going to write an article on me for some rag -- that I think I can get done with a lighter and a few brown bottles.
Durant "swimming away from shore" Hapke
PS -- And is the style, I blasted in "what the Jack bird" -- not the Ape.
In way of clarification -- the images posted -- those of the landing hook in various actions, are from the Ape Cobb of Kink's -- not my doing -- nor do I fully Jack bird grasp their totality.
D the FH
PS -- Blue text is from the Ape Cobb as Jack word well.
S to the Olo,
Right on -- I'm thinking this is a party of who's doing the learning perhaps -- this DH or the Cobb.
I'm feeling like I need to be a smarter bullet.
D the FH
Brothers and Sisters,
Bring me a big Jack snow ball, and a paper cone.
Last of the punches is this bit of "what?"
Durant "I will go get serious about pouring now" Hapke