[Obsolete] Tools On Surface - v1.2
@jclements said:
I can not draw on any surface using v1.2. They do seem to work on "white space" (no other geometry under the cursor).
Bizarre! Are you sure you do not draw over a Group? This would not work then, as it the tools on surface implies you draw over the active model opened.
@jclements said:
1- the Line tool has a "generate as curves" option. What is that supposed to do, create a continuous/welded (non-segmented) polyline? I didn't see a definition of this in the PDF file.
The generate curve option is just for convenience, as it makes segments easier to manipulate. But, as you know, Sketchup would break the curves at some intersection of edges or faces. So, the Contour Editor does not use the Curve properties and instead reconstruct the topology of the contour based on looking for connecting edges, regardless how they were generated. This is why you can have in the same contours lines and polygons, or repair a polygon with lines on surface.
@jclements said:
2- How are the number of sides for the Polygon or Circle tool modified?
As Remus said, just type a number followed by an 's' (as in the native Sketchup Polygon / Circle tools by the way). You can enter the radius / diameter and the number of segments in the same command, separated by semi-column. This is described in the doc.
@jclements said:
P.S. Have you noticed how some of Jim's toolbar icons work; if you double-click on them, an options menus appear where you can change parameters. The might be something to consider for your toolbar icons.
I am not sure, but I think this feature has dependencies on Windows. If I have time, I will try to address this general problem of options and values, most probably via a contextual Web Dialog box with the right click (so that you don't have to go across the all view to change things). Simply, I have found no way to use the right click without showing either the default contextual menu, or my own contextual menu when the right click happens to be on a selectable element.
Thanks to advise on your problem of drawing.
No, I am not drawing on a group. And when I am drawing on white space and right-click, some of the context menu items, such as "Done", do not work.
Also, I just now noticed that the Extra Parameters (or Tab key) of the BZ_Toolbar doesn't work. Would this indicate something in your shared scripts that has changed via v1.1 and v1.2 that is the problem?
Perhaps another script (I use a lot of them) is causing a conflict? Is there something that I can look for via the Ruby Console or could you add something to the Tools on Surface scripts that would report an error?
Could you turn on the Ruby Console and check if anything is shown.
That could help. ThanksFredo
Hi all,
I'm new to this usefull forum. This plugin seems to be very great, I'll download it and see.Thanks for your efforts
Hi again, Fredo:
Well, I tried the operating some of the tools with the Ruby Console open. I'm not sure what it reported will be of any help to you.
As I mentioned before, the tools seem to work while drawing on white space (not on existing geometry). When doing so the Console reports nothing.
When moving the mouse over geometry, the Ruby Console scrolls a series of information, extremely fast. If I read the display correctly, each tool repeats as series of 3 or 4 lines of code until the mouse is stopped. For example:
1- Line Tool
LineonSurface:899: . . . . . when the mouse is stopped, NOTE, there is NO "in" following the "899:"2- Circle on Surface
LibonSurface:899:. . . . . when the mouse is paused, NOTE, there is NO "in" following the "899:"LibonSurface:418:in . . . when resuming to move the mouse
LibonSurface:899:. . . . . when the mouse is paused, NOTE, there is NO "in" following the "899:"John
Could you give me more on the error (for instance on LineOnsurface), so that I can try to find out what's wrong with your set up.
What bothers me however is that LineOnSurface has only 568 lines and you seem to get an error somewhere at line 899 !!!
Thanks Fedro. it's very cool.
I apologize for not responding sooner to your request. I just got back from the SU bootcamp.
I showed what was happening to Todd B. He indicated that it is probably a bug and that I need to show you a larger display of the Ruby Console when it is running and that it might give you a better indication of what is going on. So stay tuned.
If all else fails, I could try removing other scripts one by one and then test ... but I've got a lot installed so it would take a while to do that.
The only thing on my pc that has changed on my PC (I am running XP on my PC) within the last couple of weeks that I know of is that my IT people pushed an upgrade for IE6 to IE7. I can't see how that would cause this problem, however .. particulary since your first version on the line worked when reinstalled.
Polygon on Surgace Tool:
Fredo: Here is some console outputs:
Ruby Console, Line Tool:
Ruby Console, Circle Tool:
It looks like you still have in your plugin folder an old file which has not been updated at the new version level 1.2 (apparently it loads an outdated definition of a structure called OFS_Node). This can possibly be OffsetOnSurface.rb (from version 1.0) or LibOnSurface.rb (from version 1.1). I don't think this is related to other scripts.
So, just re-install version 1.2, making sure that you replace and overwrite all files "xxxxonsurface" (including theose you may have renamed).
Totally agree with JClements. (on the last part)
Your recommendation posted immediately above this one worked! Thanks for your patience.
When I unzipped your download a few weeks ago, I told it to overwrite existing files, which it did; however, just prior to that I had renamed the initial LibTraductor.rb (but forgot to changen its extension).
Moral of the story, don't mess with things when you are tired or under pressure
Regards, John
P.S. There was one hell of a lot of discussion and positive response to your scripts at Base Camp 2008. Even more surprising though was number of "professional" users who were totally unaware of the forum and the work that scripters here have been producing. I hope Google WILL DO MORE to enhance (promote) the "VISIBILITY" of this forum on their sites.
@jclements said:
P.S. There was one hell of a lot of discussion and positive response to your scripts at Base Camp 2008. Even more surprising though was number of "professional" users who were totally unaware of the forum and the work that scripters here have been producing. I hope Google WILL DO MORE to enhance (promote) the "VISIBILITY" of this forum on their sites.
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You've got to admit, that's much more interesting for most people than finding out news of a thriving SU community or the great work that's been done with Ruby's. Carry on Google staff, thrill us with tales about odd socks, navel lint, money lost in the sofa...
I'll have to tell you guy's as much as you tell people about ruby's or even show them, they still have no idea how important it is to use them; about the value you get when in increasing productivity and enabling better techniques in model building. As with many here though, we look at the forum constantly to check for the latest and the greatest with frequent suprises. If you are going to use sketchup's power it's a must to read and understand how rubies imapct your process.
it's amaizing. i am sure it will be as powerful as 3D MAX to model anything.
@lapx said:
If you are going to use sketchup's power it's a must to read and understand how rubies imapct your process.
that is true. I spend several hours a day reading the scf forum. otherwise it is impossible to keep up with all the new information (of course it is because of the fun too!)
Wow. Sweet. Thanks so very much! You are very talented
Thank you Fredo, outstanding
How can i say more about your "great job" ?!?
...maybe (if you help me how) i can help to translate it in italian to diffuse and use more.
I mean... i tried immediately to translate it but, obviously,I am not a magician about Ruby script and I could not do this: I added and copied everything you have already done for the translation into French by putting | IT | and translating but ... nothing! does not work!
You can, please help me?
Thanks again for everything