Issues with SketchUp on the Mac
Hello everyone. Me and several of my friends are having an issue with SketchUp where we would get this problem:
I'm able to figure out that the problem is caused by Expose. I don't know how to get it to stop that though. I'm figuring that it may be a video card issue on the Macbook, but when this happened on several PCs, I figured this may be a problem with SketchUp or the computers themselves. Does anyone know what's going on or how to stop this?
BTW, sorry for not searching. I'm not sure what to search.
Its a graphics problem with the machines. You should be able to fix it by going (in sketchup) window->preferences->opengl and then unticking 'hardware acceleration'
A bit of explanation, to display your models on the screen smmothly SU uses a system called opengl, unfortunately opengl is only really supported by dedicated graphics cards, which the macbook, and i assume your friends coputers, dont have. This means SU has to use a less efficient method for displaying models as 'hardware acceleration' is basically opengl.
This is a common graphics card issue, your card or driver is somewhat non-openGL compliant.
On a Mac you should see that you have the latest version of SU and all the OS updates installed.
On a PC
Upgrade your graphics driver
If that doesn't help, and if you have an ATI graphics card, you could try first turning off Fast Feedback in the Window>Preferences>OpenGL pane. This will not have a big impact on SU performance, but helped on my old ATI card.
If you have a motherboard-integrated Intel graphics chip (common on many laptops and office desktops) there is usually not much to be done, except turning Hardware Acceleration off, and sticking to small models. If your machine has the option, install a real graphics card, preferably Nvidia-based.
Thanks guys. The problem is now gone.
For the sake of the group, can you explain (a) what graphics card is in your computer, (b) what software OS version was on your computer, and (c) what update you performed to get rid of the problem. Thanks.
IĀ“ve had that issue on a macbook. No need to disable hardware acceleration, which makes things slooooow. Just disable fast feedback and your problem should disappear.