[Obsolete] Tools On Surface - v1.2
Thank you!
Excellent plugin!
Thanks, Fredo - you rock!
truly amazing, words are not enough !!
A tool I often use. Thanks !!
erikB -
will you marry me
thank u Fredo!
Thank you very much!
Error Loading File EraserOnSurface.rb No such file to load -- LibTraductor.rbError Loading File LibOnSurface.rb No such file to load -- LibTraductor.rbError Loading File LineOnSurface.rb No such file to load -- LibTraductor.rbError Loading File OffsetOnSurface.rb No such file to load -- LibTraductor.rbError Loading File PolygonOnSurface.rb No such file to load -- LibTraductor.rbError Loading File PolylineOnSurface.rb No such file to load -- LibTraductor.rbError Loading File ZLoader__OnSurface.rb No such file to load -- LibTraductor.rb
I get LibTraductor.rb from old version...
Thanks Fredo6!
Oops, I forgot to include LibTraductor.rb in the package, which indeed will be missing if you never installed previous verssions of ToolOnSurface or JointPushPull or BezierSpline
I have updated the ZIP archive in the main post of this thread
http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=10242&p=66968#p66968Thanks, apx, for advising on this problem
thanks santa fredo!!!
your scripts are state of the art! but please take an occasional rest so as not to get fed up and quit
Circle and polygon...AWESOME!
contour editor...GREAT IDEA!!!
Really amazing!
As with all of you who pour so much of your time into these scripts, a big thank you for efforts and kindness to share.
Look forward to working with this script.
this is real cool!!!
Fredo,i was thinking if u have time to add an Arc on Surface tool that will really be awesome(all what u did is already awesome) !?
- just type the number of sides followed by an 's', so itd look like this: 5 s
I can not draw on any surface using v1.2. They do seem to work on "white space" (no other geometry under the cursor).
I deleted all v1.2 files and reloaded v1.1 and v1.1 it works just fine. Your other scripts/tools also seem to work okay.
In looking over the documentation, I see you allow grouping and construction point creation...BRAVO (I wish SU had this built in for all their tools).
1- the Line tool has a "generate as curves" option. What is that supposed to do, create a continuous/welded (non-segmented) polyline? I didn't see a definition of this in the PDF file.2- How are the number of sides for the Polygon or Circle tool modified?
P.S. Have you noticed how some of Jim's toolbar icons work; if you double-click on them, an options menus appear where you can change parameters. The might be something to consider for your toolbar icons.
Regards, John
@jclements said:
I can not draw on any surface using v1.2. They do seem to work on "white space" (no other geometry under the cursor).
Bizarre! Are you sure you do not draw over a Group? This would not work then, as it the tools on surface implies you draw over the active model opened.
@jclements said:
1- the Line tool has a "generate as curves" option. What is that supposed to do, create a continuous/welded (non-segmented) polyline? I didn't see a definition of this in the PDF file.
The generate curve option is just for convenience, as it makes segments easier to manipulate. But, as you know, Sketchup would break the curves at some intersection of edges or faces. So, the Contour Editor does not use the Curve properties and instead reconstruct the topology of the contour based on looking for connecting edges, regardless how they were generated. This is why you can have in the same contours lines and polygons, or repair a polygon with lines on surface.
@jclements said:
2- How are the number of sides for the Polygon or Circle tool modified?
As Remus said, just type a number followed by an 's' (as in the native Sketchup Polygon / Circle tools by the way). You can enter the radius / diameter and the number of segments in the same command, separated by semi-column. This is described in the doc.
@jclements said:
P.S. Have you noticed how some of Jim's toolbar icons work; if you double-click on them, an options menus appear where you can change parameters. The might be something to consider for your toolbar icons.
I am not sure, but I think this feature has dependencies on Windows. If I have time, I will try to address this general problem of options and values, most probably via a contextual Web Dialog box with the right click (so that you don't have to go across the all view to change things). Simply, I have found no way to use the right click without showing either the default contextual menu, or my own contextual menu when the right click happens to be on a selectable element.
Thanks to advise on your problem of drawing.
No, I am not drawing on a group. And when I am drawing on white space and right-click, some of the context menu items, such as "Done", do not work.
Also, I just now noticed that the Extra Parameters (or Tab key) of the BZ_Toolbar doesn't work. Would this indicate something in your shared scripts that has changed via v1.1 and v1.2 that is the problem?
Perhaps another script (I use a lot of them) is causing a conflict? Is there something that I can look for via the Ruby Console or could you add something to the Tools on Surface scripts that would report an error?
Could you turn on the Ruby Console and check if anything is shown.
That could help. ThanksFredo
Hi all,
I'm new to this usefull forum. This plugin seems to be very great, I'll download it and see.Thanks for your efforts