Window still transparent when textures turned off
I have a model of a house with scenes to show the front and rear elevations. These scenes have parallel perspective and have Face Style set to Monochrome.
The window on the front of the house is just white, which is what I want. I can't see into the window. This is what I would expect as the material that makes it transparent is not shown in Monochrome style.
However, the window on the back of the house is transparent, and I can see into the house. I have checked everything and it seems the same in every respect as the window in the front of the house. The material is the same. It also is nothing to do with the scene because the effect is there if I manually rotate the front scene to show the back. Reversing the faces also doesn't help.
Why is one window transparent with Monochrome face style and the other one not?
Hi Julian,
Can you pust the model?
(also, I'm moving the topic to the SU Discussions for this subforum is for sharing materials)
Here is the model.
In the "Elevation Front Original" view, the top left window in the centre house is not transparent.
In the "Elevation Rear Original" view, the top right window is transparent. You can see through to the window at the front.
Both windows are now unique components but there were originally the same component.
Thanks very much for your help.
hi juliangall,
this is really peculiar - you only see the back sides of faces, so the window is not really transparent. as soon as you enter the component, it gets completely opaque. so it is caused by the complexity of the model
I think that happens because SketchUp is too much concerned about the framerate of your grafic card, therefore disregarding the image quality.
there is a way to get rid of this unpleasant effect however. just go to your styles window and turn the transparency quality in the "face settings" of the "edit" tab from "faster" to "nicer". thus you should be able to prevent the back faces from shining through...
I hope you don't mind if I say that this model is a complete mess (seriously, I don't mean any personal).
Actually not only some (but many) of the rear and some of the front windows are also see-through (only from that angle it's not apparent). For some reason, all your window components contain another window component. Exploding the outside ones make all the inside ones see through. I wonder which component has gluing/cutting features and which is cutting what...
(although you have all the window openings cut into the walls anyway).
So my guess is that there's something with the "cut opening" feature but seriously speaking there are sooo many components nested into each other that I can't really investigate which is which and which is causing the problem.
For this particular project, I'd suggest a "workaround". There are two styles in your file now that I created. One is in monochrome mode with transparency turned off and one is the shaded with texture mode with transparency turned on. Use the styles dialogue to change the rendering modes instead of the buttons in the toolbar.
Also purged the model a bit... Hope didn't delete some components you were going to use later