POLL: Would you attend a SketchUcation 3D Basecamp EU?
@bertu said:
Hello Coen
do you check that not all Europeans are European Citizens?
This is open to Europeans, Africans, Americans, even Australians
This is for all people who love SketchUp -
@unknownuser said:
What about it?
What has citizenship to do with attending the sketchUcation basecamp?
Nothing. It could (should) read like "I live in Europe" or something. Surely Coen did not mean EU citizens. If Urgen needs an invite letter for a visa (I don't know if he needs one), I will gladly write one if the location will be inside the EU (I would like to make sure he participates). But I could imagine Dubrovnik as well (ah, Dubrovnik!) - then Mateo will write the invite letter.
Good that we are so international - regardless of political borders!
Thanks Csaba,
I dont have anything against that , quite the contrary , I just didnt want to be the
first one to suggest it. I am ready to make the effort .
By the way I dont mind comming to Pecz either.
Whatever the decission I agree that it would be an advantage for one of us moderators to be a host. -
good idea,Coen.
it is indeed surprising that less than 2% of the SketchUcation members voted yet.
a Global PM may speed up things a bit
Shouldn't the location follow the largest number or highest concencentration of users?
BrianB -
@unknownuser said:
Si vous ne speakez pas english, vous êtes des connards a priori.
Are you protesting against the fact that "EU Basecamp" will probably have English as it's lingua franca? If so: what do you suggest? It might be somewhat impractical to opt for French (or German, Italian, Dutch ...).
Esperanto then?
Hungarian. (Although I doubt that I could talk about SU in Hungarian myself!
Maybe we could have it in Franglais. We could discuss the Pousser/Puller tool and Follow Moi.
@alan fraser said:
Maybe we could have it in Franglais. We could discuss the Pousser/Puller tool and Follow Moi.
Je Parle Bien Franglish. But it's called the Suivez-MEtool.
Hi Alan, hi folks.
Pousser/Tirer et Suivez-moi
Best regards.
Bonjour Limousin.
C'est un fait que la plupart des forums sur l'Internet sont en Anglais. Qu'on le veuille ou non, l'Anglais s'est imposé comme langue la plus utilisée sur l'Internet. J'ai la chance d'être relativement bilingue (si j'exclus mes quelques notion d'Espagnol). Il y a quand même deux forums en Français que je fréquente régulièrement. Le forum en Français sur ce site de Sketchucation et celui sur le site de Abvent.
Tu es le bienvenue pour y poser toute question pertinente relativement à SU, les forums et leur fonctionnement. Je suis d'accord que les instructions sur la façon d'utiliser les forums sont plus que rudimentaires, pour ne pas dire inexistantes. Bref, on apprend sur le tas. Les organisateurs en sont conscient et travaillent sur un manuel d'instruction. J'ose espérer qu'il sera traduit dans les langues des forums utilisant d'autres langues que l'Anglais. Il y a quand même huit langues autres que l'Anglais sur Sketchucation.
Je vois quelque fois des questions en Français sur les deux forums anglais de Google et j'essaie d'aider les gens au meilleur de mes connaissances. Les gens sont très tolérants et l'un d'eux à même dépanné un hispanophone en lui donnnant le lien du forum espagnol sur Sketchucation. Il est bien évidemment possible que certains individus écrivent n'importe quoi mais, comme on sait ce qu'est l'Internet, on s'en fout un peu.
Bref, si quelque chose que tu a lu t'a déplu ou si tu as une question précise, utilise notre forum en Français et quelqu'un se fera un plaisir de t'aider.
Jean Lemire
Richelieu, Québec, Canada.
Why not Beirut - we can use a bit if quite time...
and it is also not as far as Europe.
I'm from South Africa...
or why not at the german beer festival in munich? we could all booze beer until delirium.
honestly - I would suggest we meet in a dungeon where our minds are not driven off the most important thing: SketchUp!
(and please no more word in french - sonst fang ich auch noch an...)
Sicily. warm, great food, not expensive, and best sights in the world.
@cadfather said:
Sicily. warm, great food, not expensive, and best sights in the world.
and a chance to meet "capi di tutte le capi" Cosa Nostra...
I wouldn't mind Sicily either - I should go and visit that Roman villa in Enna at last!
that's it Frederik, just let me know and i'll fix you a meeting with the cadfather!
- it can be a very inspiring place and Gai you are right, lots to enjoy for the historian. if you ever need a guide, i have revisited many places but never mind doing it again. (EDIT: e.g ..where the athenians were kept prisoners by the syracusans - or paleolithic graves carved high along the walls of a canyon)
btw if people don't mind the bullets (they're filled with freshly crushed melon ice cream)
i can help sorting it out - just need to write a couple of paper notes...(seriously)... -
Hi folks.
I second Sicily. I was there in 2004, end of august, with my wife of sicilian origins. The country is nice, warm and dry. The weather was nice (no rain for nine days). Some beaches are superb (Eraclea Minoa). Sciacca Mare is also nice but much smaller. Try to hold the Basecamp near Agrigento where there are nice Roman temples dating back about 2000 years. Monte Pelegrino in Palermo is also a nice place to visit. From the top of the mountain you have a fantastic view of the Mediterannean sea and the Palermo Bay.
There are some very good restaurants and the food is delicioso. The pastry in Alessandria della Rocca propose excellent pastries.
I still need to visit the northeast coast (Etna, Taormina and the Messina strait, just to name a few spots).
Just ideas.
I must be utterly blind…. First I completely overlooked this important thread and now I can’t seem to find where to vote. Buttons, I need buttons!!! I’m from Europe, count me in. So I’ll do my best to attend, as long as it’s a practical and interesting location somewhere in Europe.