Your Best Render
Here's mine!
Model in SketchUp and render in V-Ray for sketchup, it's based on a tutorial of Carles Piles (he uses cinema 4d). Some parts has ben drawing in Corel Draw and then imported to sketchup to converted the vectorial file in to poligons. It's illuminated by one rectangular ligth and one HDRI, it tooks about half hour to render (1024 x 768), no photoshop post production.
Nice work Eric.
Thanks Scott. I really wish I had time to render more but this is not the case, at least not anytime soon.
Join the club Eric.
Sup guys, first post. This is my favourite for the moment - rendered in podium
Link here: -
Here is my entry - 1 in a series of 8 exterior and 2 interior shots for this project. All modeled in sketchup...rendered in Kerkythea. Of ccourse there are plenty of things I would like to fix, but the client was happy with the results!
I like that it has a soft and comfortable feel to it. The transparent foliage helps.
hi folks ... as you know I am interested in simple scenes ... ( so simple mind that i have !)
here is another simple scene that i have modeled using SU , and rendered (as usual ) using KT ( my beloved renderer ) for Hotel Kosar of Isfahan ( where I live ) ....and also believe that my next render would be my best render. cheers
I agree.. my next one will be my favorite, but if I had to pick....
Very inspirational work Tina...well done!
Ah well, why not!
This is my current favourite. It was prepared as a model for photomatching, and then I tried a night render for a bit of fun - pure fantasy!
Sketchup model, rendered in vray.David
hi, I consider this one as my best, for now.
Just keep looking at mine bruce, thatll amke you feel better.
And to everyone: feel free to update your post with your new favourite piece, wouldnt want this thread getting too dated now
the first one is very good!
and many of them are graet too!
congrats to all! -
It's somehow difficult, cause I have a lot of nice renders, but I'm not allowed to show them because of the Agreement I've made with my clients...
Any way... This was just a quick scene I did, inspired by a picture I saw in a furniture catalog...
The modeling took about 3 hours, and the set-up in KT took less than 10 minutes...
It rendered while I was a sleep for app. 8 hours using render preset no. 17 (PTP) and then I added a subtle touch of Bloom and the KT logo in a post pro...
Original render image size 1200 x 830 can be seen here -
I can't choose ...I never think they are good enough I just flipped a coin over some images I prefer
A Podium shot of some months ago:
man i can t belive it!!! when i saw the render of jon my heart stops beating
i fill little shame because i m not so good as others but i try