Picture to Model
Ok I have looked all over the forum and the web and I can not find info or a tutorial that shows me step by step on how to make a model from a photo.I know how to import photos into SU,But thats about it.So if anyone could tell or show me how that would be great.
@gigga97 said:
Ok I have looked all over the forum and the web and I can not find info or a tutorial that shows me step by step on how to make a model from a photo.I know how to import photos into SU,But thats about it.So if anyone could tell or show me how that would be great.
This link may be a good starting point. I'm sure you'll be getting lots of good advice very soon, but if you're up and checking the forum, this link should be of some interest...
Open the link and scroll about halfway down to CADkeen's post..Actually, the whole thread is a great read if you have the time.
Thanks I will look into that.
This is all i have found out how to do so far.
Im guessing you want to model the bject with a reasonable degree of accuracy, so really your going to need some more information, be it more pictures or some dimensions or something similar.
If you cant get anything else youll basially have to make a guess as to the barrel diameter, handle profile and anything else you cant garner from the photo.
As to actually modelling it, all you really need to do is just model it as you would if you didnt have a picture, but then use the picture as a reference for dimensions. So as your drawing the barrel you be able to get the outer diameter and thne move it up so its parallel with the barrel i the pic, thne pus/pull it along so it is the same length as the barrel. Obvously this gets a bit more tricky for more complicated bits, but the principles the same.
Hope that made a bit of sense
P.s. you might want to sort your toolbars out, you'll have much more screen in which you can actually model
Thanks Remus,Yeah my toolbar is messy
I just started modeling about a month ago and i just found SU like 2 days ago so i am not really that good,But you gotta start somwhere right?
I chose the 357. Revolver cause it looks like a fun and quite simple first "real" Project.
I know it does not look that great but it took me about a hour and a half to complete...with alot of expermenting.I am still gonna make some improvments on it in the future.Here it is but dont forget its my first so dont be to harsh
EDIT:No matter how many times i resize it,it just wont fit!!!!lol
Very impressive for a first model!
Good work! -
Thanks,It still needs some more improvements.I smoothed it all the way to 180.0 in SU but it still seems to be squared around the edges.
Thanks Again Gidon.
Smoothing won't physically round-off the edges...for that you would need to use a subdivide tool, like the recently released Subdivide & Smooth Ruby script.
A more exact and efficent way of doing it would be to model the gun the way it actually is...using circles/arcs...rather than just tracing it and Push/Pulling.
There is a similar thread here.
I explain how it's done about halfway down the thread.