that's it. I know it, when I got close to finishing I was messing with resizing the cabinet door to fit the opening from the original drawing, I bet i screwed something up with that. I'm sure that's it. I was so careful to check and recheck my dimensions as I was drawing. everything is off, but the panels still fit the dado and that would make sense it I scaled the model by accident. I will sleep so much better tonight.
RE: Dimension Problem?
RE: Dimension Problem?
I entered every dimension through the dialog box I checked the pieces a bunch of times as I went and it seemed like at the end I went back and the most basic measurement, like the box being 87.5" long was way off. i drew stiles and rails through the dialog box and they are almost all off. I can't understand the benefit between using components versus groups. Any suggestions? Ohh one more thing. what could I have done through the process that would have resized my pieces?
Problem geometry
I've ben working on a cabinet sketch and was very detailed in drawing making sure to input dimensions by the keyboard and when i finished and went back to explode and dimension almost every measurement was slightly off. Anyone ever experience this? I have used sketch up for a long time, but never to do a detailed cabiet to build from.
Dimension Problem?
I have been using sketch up for a while and have started using it for woodworking designs. I have spent a great deal of time on a piece recently and when I got all finished and went back to dimension, all of the components are slightly off from when I started. I have gone back a few times and corrected, but they still are off. Is there something I am doing wrong? the dado's and plywood line up but they aren't the same dimensions I started with. I designed every piece in the cabinet as a group or model, and enter all dumensions through the keyboard, but I am very frustrated. It's mostly just a few 64th's off but it really makes it impossible to build from.