cheers bill. very helpful.. ill check again
RE: URGENT help needed - importing polylines
RE: URGENT help needed - importing polylines
its actually behaving rather strangely in that if in vectorworks i draw a box with a fill in it (solid fill so not a hatch or pattern) only the outline box appears in sketchup (ie just 4 lines - it doesnt behave like polyline or polygon)
if i draw a box, fill it and then remove to external line (so just the fill remains) the fill becomes visiable in sketchup as i want. but doing it this way only allows for simple fills to work (no more than 4 corners)
its really annoyiing and means that i might have to spend a day or two drawing all these buildings again in sketchup....
thanks for the replies so far guys
URGENT help needed - importing polylines
hi all,
im running OSX
and am trying to import a drawing from vectorworks (v12) into sketchup (v6)basically the drawing is a map of a part of a city that i have drawn the buildings in 2d fill with the intention of push pulling up to their height in sketchup. i am exporting as a DWG file but when i import in sketchup only the buildings with 4 corners seem to come through. any building with more than 4 vertices has disappeared! the same happens whether or not the 2d fills are drawn as a polyline or polygon... im stuck!
any help would be greatly appreciated!