thanks a lot for your appreciates ...
theses trees are images that turned into 2D components ... ... and some 3D tree s in the backgroung for shadows ..
shrubs are also 2D ... after render I had cloned them for having more shrubs and flowers ..( like john's metod )
I also edited the component and rotated the trees in the bird eye render .. there were some photoshop editting in bird's eye .. just see the raw vray output ...
and there are some building models downloaded from 3Dwarehouse .... and reflection ..
alll humans are 2D rotating components .... ( I prefer to add them in the model then in the PS state , because of their reflections ) ... and as you see there were a little problem in the
I have also enables some additional render channels ( reflection , GI , etc. ) for post prossings ... as you can see here the reflection of windows was not good enoght .. so I have increased it by the in the PS ...
much better than rerendering ..