The fbx works
If a clean interior model is made – real world scale and its mapped – in the case of walls – 1 or two metre squared it will import nicely into Armada and have all the features - same with furniture.
Beware of the Ambient and diffuse settings ramp them up to white and the specular down to black – - the box I sampled showed very dark. Also set all the pivot point coordinates to 0,0,0 or the model will be off set – and you may not even see them in the virtual
As I said earlier I need somebody to show the sketch up community how its done – We are now developing an online version of Armada [WebGL ] that looks very promising. So a user can say commission a sketch up modeller to knock something up that can be uploaded to the users web site and the public can immediately traverse it - in the case of a gallery that is – assets also.
[image: 76856617.jpg]
@gaieus said:
Yes, that would've been my other step now - to soften edges (although inside SketchUp, with such sharp edges as 90 degrees it would look weird).
The 3DS exporter has an option to weld vertices - but on the cost of not keeping the UV co-ordinates.