Yes you can! πŸ˜„
But all your appartments must be "components" themselve!
See Component Comparison Components by Thomthom

After I don't know what the plugin accepts as complexity component ?

Maybe this can help you for make components first ? By TIG
Select something
Copy all this "one line" inside the ruby console! Press Enter πŸ€“

m=Sketchup.active_model; m.start_operation("Faces>Compos"); n=m.active_entities;m.selection.to_a.each{|e|(g=n.add_group(e.all_connected);"FaceSet#1")if e.valid? and e.parent==n.parent and e.class==Sketchup;;Face}; m.commit_operation;topic=1622.0;attach=15209;image