Thanks, all - I've tested Add_Scene_Layer.rb and I think it will do the trick for me nicely. Maybe I'll even get to liking layers

Latest posts made by svzephyr
RE: Layer Visibility for Multiple Scenes
Layer Visibility for Multiple Scenes
Is there a plugin to quickly set a layer's visibility in all the scenes in a model?
I typically create a model with many scenes. But, if I add a layer that might only need to be visible on 1 or 2 scenes it's tedious to go through each scene, set the layer visibility, then update the scene.
I haven't used layers very much; I normally just use the scenes and the plugin HideInOtherScenes to control visibility. This works fine for groups and components, since I can use the Outliner to temporarily unhide items, but finding text, dimensions, etc. can be challenging.
RE: Plugin to toggle Expert Dimensions?
Thanks, Jim. I had looked through the API and couldn't find anything, but I was hoping I had just overlooked something. Lynn
Plugin to toggle Expert Dimensions?
Is it possible to create a toolbar item which would quickly toggle Expert Dimensions on/off?
I use Sketchup to frame walls for the houses Habitat builds here in Louisville, KY. I create a separate scene for each section of wall, and use dimensions a lot. I like to work with Expert Dimensions on so that I can identify and fix "busted" dimensions. However, before printing I turn Expert Dimensions off; some of my dimensions are actually notes and I don't want them to print the bright green "busted" color.
I use Sketchup 70 Free, Windows XP.
I'm an avid user of the great plugins available - some I've been using for so long I forget what's Sketchup and what's a plugin!
Thank you for any help possible. Lynn