Im working on designing architectures and interior
spaces and I need to simulate wind circulations
through windows or around the building etc.
VirtualWind is a CFD plugin for Sketchup which
discontinued a while ago and that looked freaking
sweet. Anyone still have a working installation
file of VirtualWind?. What other alternatives
is there for a good plugin to simulate wind flow,
circulation (fluid dynamics) etc.
========= THREAD EDIT / UPDATED ON 10 SEP 2011 =============
Okay, I got it to work. Although there are a few exceptions. I managed to
grab hold of the trial version only, and it expires on 30 FEB 2010. Therefore
you have to set your windows date before that expiry date. Pain in the ass but
that's the only choice?
Download additional file fix (courtesy from TIG):
The above fix supposedly correct the ProgressBar class that is used in SketchUp, so it
would not clash with the ProgressBar that is used in VirtualWind (VW).
I am using Google Sketchup 8 and so far no errors were found. The plugin
installed correctly with the available tools in SU.
- Learn from the tutorial within the help document (3 different sets)
- The VINE Viewer can only run a max of 1 CPU core. You need the PRO version
to use more than 1 core to render the CFD faster.
- It seems VirtualWind works far better with everything exported as "Canopy"
than "Solids". Even building structures such as frames and pylons are better
off being as Canopies. Make sure there are no intersecting geometries in
Sketchup, and no floating points or lines.
- You may need to use FINE wind quality if your geometry contains small
openings (window openings in architectures, complex architecture with lots
of frames, studs, etc) COARSE and MEDIUM quality are fine for simple shapes
(ie building blocks, cars)