Great! I'll give it a try. Thank you.
RE: Line weight in base Skp. Model and Patterns
RE: Line weight in base Skp. Model and Patterns
Any of the ones that come loaded with LO in the pattern fill window. I have tried a few of them. Some of them plot to dark, or to light. Is there a way to copy and edit the stock ones, or create new ones in SU & LO without photoshop?
RE: Line weight in base Skp. Model and Patterns
Okay, a quick reboot and now it allows me to change line weight. Ugh. Thank you.
What about the pattern issue? I don't have photoshop and I would like to edit the stock patterns or create new ones with a lighter line weight, and or transparency. When they plot the patterns are to bold and distracting. Another rookie move?
RE: Line weight in base Skp. Model and Patterns
I have tried this. When the viewport in LO is selected, the line weight box activates in the model styles window but will not change. If I clear the line weight box with the delete key the view port deletes.
Line weight in base Skp. Model and Patterns
The "default" model line weight when plotted is too thick to make legible plans. Is there a way to change the base SketchUp Model line thickness? In Layout, the model styles window shows a line weight adjustment option, but it is inaccessible to me in Layout. In the SketchUp model styles the line weight nowhere to be seen.
I find the stock pattern line weights also to thick when plotted. Is there a way to edit the pattern transparency, or create/edit my own without Photoshop?
These seem like simple issues, probably covered before...but I can't seem to find a good explanation.