Mine (free) http://www.modelfunction.com/ plugin can do this task.
RE: REQ: Handrail plugin.
RE: Using default sketchup materials with Ruby API
This code works for me:
model = Sketchup.active_model
materials=model.materialsAdds a material as an in model material
m = materials.add "Test Color"
beginReturns nil if not successful, path if successful
path=Sketchup.find_support_file "1.jpg","\Plugins\"
# m.texture = "1.jpg"
m.texture = path
m.texture.size = 666
UI.messagebox $!.message
end -
RE: Dynamic component and curved path
I have done it with my new ModelFunction 2.0 that plan to be released very soon. The new version keeps the design in a component quite similare to the SU dynamic component and includes some other improves.
Attached file and video capture
RE: Model Function
1.2 is available now via http://modelfunction.com
Major improvements are:- New language 'lang.xml' file enables changes menus and commands text and language.
- When the designer saves the template, a jpg thumbnail created by plugin and saved in the same directory where the template file is saved.
- New "aiming" function that assists the designer to change axis of a component to axis of 'node'.
RE: Model Function
Thanks for your interest, the ModelFunction plugin is just published and there is still lot of work to do.
Beta 1.1 is now available here http://www.modelfunction.com/ and offers some improvements and working examples.