thanks so much for the reply! I will give that a go and see if I can reduce the file sizes.
RE: Sketchup component reload not responding
Sketchup component reload not responding
Hi. I have been using sketchup since SU7 so not to long but long enough. Currently Su2015 on Win7 pro 64 bit HP workstation. While in SU things seem ok. I have been an admirer of Nick Sonders work and have used some of his techniques in both SU and LO with
nice results. The problem I am having currently is in file management.I have the base model where I do all my editing work and then subsequent models for drawing type, scene and Linework ie sections, elevations, plans, etc.
When I am in one of the models with the Base Model imported in as a component and try to reload the current version of the base model, SU freezes, I get the Not Responding message but if I leave it alone for say 2 hours, it finally reloads the component and I am good to go. I have no problem saving files, it is just reloading the Base Model component which is approx. 70-80 megs. I know that is not small but it is not huge either. I am sure Nick and some others have files way bigger than that unless there is something I am seriously missing.
Any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated.