I'm certainly no expert on computer graphics but It seems to me that computing has reached a level of sophistication in both hardware and software to where these issues should not exist.
RE: Clipping plane needs a fix!
RE: Clipping plane needs a fix!
Very good advise...at least there is a work around, Thank you.. I do absolutely hate working in parallel projection but beggars can't be choosers... Appreciate the help!
RE: Clipping plane needs a fix!
I've been using Sketchup from the beginning, have never really had clipping plane issues in the past that were much of a bother until recently. Working on a model that is relatively small compared to some I've constructed and I can't get close enough to objects while editing...for example a 1/2" dia. bolt. This is driving me insane to be honest and I have exhausted my options. I've opened a fresh new drawing, no issues editing something small. I've tried turning off layers, deleting everything around what I'm trying to edit...no luck. I can zoom in fairly close to an object (not great, but close enough to edit) as soon as I right click on edit group or component it disappears from view....I saved it as a sketchup 8 file and tried it there...same results. I'm sure it's something simple that I have overlooked.....Help would be greatly appreciated.